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Grading Procedures – Finding and Dealing With Gradebook Discrepancies.

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Presentation on theme: "Grading Procedures – Finding and Dealing With Gradebook Discrepancies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grading Procedures – Finding and Dealing With Gradebook Discrepancies

2 28.0212. Finality of Grade. (a) An examination or course grade issued by a classroom teacher is final and may not be changed unless the grade is arbitrary, erroneous, or not consistent with the school district grading policy applicable to the grade, as determined by the board of trustees of the school district in which the teacher is employed. Education Code - Subtitle F. Curriculum, programs, and services Chapter 28, Subchapter A

3 Discrepancy between teacher gradebook and report card Which one is the correct grade? What happens if a parent asks for a grade clarification? What can be the consequences? –Parent can sue –Teacher/school district can be reported to TEA –Teacher can be charged with falsifying official/academic records which is a misdemeanor –Teacher can be required to pay a fine –District can lose state funding –District can lose federal funding if it is a Special Ed student

4 Gradebook Discrepancy Indicator Teacher’s Gradebook The grade columns will indicate the discrepancies. S1 grade is 74; S1 Report Card is 73. T2 grade is 82; T2 Report Card is 80. The grades are in bold black and preceded by an * asterisk.

5 Gradebook Discrepancy Indicator Administrator’s Report


7 Common Mistakes Incorrect dates Maximum Score set at “1” Proposed due date vs Actual due date Category Percentages set at “0” or less than “100” Grade Changes after the Grading Window is closed Failure to change Incompletes Transfer Grades Coaches Syndrome

8 How we do fix these? Incorrect dates –Make sure that the assignment date is inside the grade period dates. Calendar Maximum Score set at “1” Proposed due date vs Actual due date

9 Category Percentages set at “0” or less than “100” Grade Changes after the window closes –Make sure that you follow the campus grade changes procedure. Failure to Change incompletes Transfer Grades: –New Students to the district: Choose the appropriate class in your gradebook Click the Display Options button. Select Grade Period Display.

10 Show assignments and grade periods for all terms. You do not have to show interim grades.

11 Enter the student’s nine weeks grade in the last assignment for the appropriate grading period. Use the comment “Transfer”. Repeat this for each nine weeks that he/she was not part of your class. For a student that comes in the middle of a grading period: Enter the transfer grade into each assignment up to where the student started getting grades for your assignments for that grading period.

12 In-school Transfers Click on the yellow “New” button next to the student’s name.

13 The View Assignments screen will appear. Put any un- matched grades on existing assignments. You will also want to put a note in the comment reflecting the name of the assignment, teacher, and the date.

14 Handling grade changes and grade transfers and in the correct manner will eliminate the necessity for office personnel to spend time reconciling gradebooks and report cards. This in turn will eliminate any discrepancies between the gradebook and the report card and insure the integrity of the teacher grade book. Coaches Syndrome – Coaches find very creative ways to enter grades in the gradebook, ie, create one assignment for the first grading period and then just change the date of that original assignment for each following grading period.

15 Post to Family Access Questions? For those using Family Access: If the teacher does not check the “Post to Family Access”, there will be a discrepancy between the gradebook and the grade displayed in Family Access.

16 Grade Reporting Schedule 2009-2010 Interim 1A8/24/09-9/11/09Input Dates 9/9/09-9/15/09 Interim 1B8/24/09-10/2/09Input Dates 9/30/09-10/06/09 Term 18/24/09-10/16/09Input Dates 10/14/09-10/20/09 Interim 2A10/19/09-11/6/09Input Dates 11/04/09-11/10/09 Interim 2B10/19/09-11/24/09Input Dates 11/22/09-12/01/09 Term 210/19/09-12/18/09Input Dates 12/15/09-01/05/10 Interim 3A01/06/10-01/22/10Input Dates 01/20/10-01/26/10 Interim 3B01/06/10-02/12/10Input Dates 02/10/10-02/16/10 Term 301/06/10-03/12/10Input Dates 03/10/10-03/23/10 Interim 4A03/23/10-04/08/10Input Dates 04/07/10-04/13/10 Interim 4B03/23/10-05/07/10Input Dates 05/05/10-05/11/10 Term 403/23/10-06/03/10Input Dates 05/30/10-06/04/10

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