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 1. _______name of lab safety symbol that has a picure of a plant (lab safety)  2. ______the process scientists use to solve problems and answer questions.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. _______name of lab safety symbol that has a picure of a plant (lab safety)  2. ______the process scientists use to solve problems and answer questions."— Presentation transcript:

1  1. _______name of lab safety symbol that has a picure of a plant (lab safety)  2. ______the process scientists use to solve problems and answer questions (scientific method)  3. _______a naturally formed inorganic solid with a crystalline structure (minerals)  4. _______last step of the scientific method (scientific method)  5. _______a minerals resistance to being scratched (minerals)

2 RAP: Choose the best word. (cleavage or color) 1. ________ is not a good identifier for identifying minerals. 2. The highest number on the Moh’s Hardness Scale is the number _______.

3  1. What is Mohs hardness scale?  2. What does the scale use to represent variations in hardness?  3. What are some common items used to test hardness?

4  1.Mohs Hardness Scale-a scale to identify minerals based on their hardness or resistance to being scratched

5  2. The scale uses 10 minerals to represent variations in hardness.

6  3. The common items used to test hardness are  a fingernail  a penny  Glass  Steel nail

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