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W ELCOME B ACK C ONTRASTS AND C ONTRADICTIONS Welcome to language arts! Please copy HW in agenda- commitment poster due tomorrow. Please get a book and.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME B ACK C ONTRASTS AND C ONTRADICTIONS Welcome to language arts! Please copy HW in agenda- commitment poster due tomorrow. Please get a book and."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME B ACK C ONTRASTS AND C ONTRADICTIONS Welcome to language arts! Please copy HW in agenda- commitment poster due tomorrow. Please get a book and read silently


3 M IND STREAMING Find a PARTNER- Stand face to face. For one minute discuss the following terms. Contrast Contradiction Do not talk about anything else There are no wrong answers We will discuss the ideas you had.

4 C ONTRASTS AND C ONTRADICTIONS - S IGNPOSTS IN LITERATURE A character does something unexpected or “out of character”. The words or actions go against something previously said or done. Once you find a contrast or contradiction you need think about what it means.

5 W HAT QUESTION CAN I ASK ABOUT CONTRASTS AND CONTRADICTIONS ? The question you should always ask yourself when you find a contrast or contradiction is: Why would the character act this way?

6 E XAMPLE : W ATSON ’ S GO TO BIRMINGHAM Maybe it was because everybody else was laughing, maybe it was because Cody had such a strange look on his face while he peeked at his underpants, maybe it was because I was glad Larry hadn’t jumped on me, but whatever the reason I cracked up too. How is this a contrast and contradiction? (answer in the box on your own)

7 E XAMPLE : T HE G IVER His mind reeled. Now empowered to ask questions of utmost rudeness- and receive answers- he could conceivably ask some adult, his father even, “do you lie?” But, he had no idea of knowing if the answer he received was true. How is this a contrast and contradiction? (answer in the box on your own)

8 C HART - W E WILL READ TODAY … As we read keep the contrasts and contradictions in your mind. Raise your hand if you think we have found one… We will fill in the chart together

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