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Team Structure The ratio of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team. –Lewis B. Ergen NEXT:

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Presentation on theme: "Team Structure The ratio of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team. –Lewis B. Ergen NEXT:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Structure The ratio of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team. –Lewis B. Ergen NEXT:

2 Objectives Understand what defines a team
Identify the characteristics of high-performing teams Discuss benefits of teamwork and team structure Describe components and composition of a multi-team system (e.g., Core Team, Coordinating Team, Contingency Team, Ancillary Services, and Administration) Define the roles and effectiveness of team members

3 Team Skills are the result of effective team structure
Common purpose Performance Goals Mutual Accountability Clear Roles/Responsibilities Complementary Skills Interdependent Tasks Patient & Family Team Skills are the result of effective team structure

4 What Defines a Team? Two or more people
Interact dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively Toward a common and valued goal (14% of team function) Have specific roles or functions (12% of team function) Have a time-limited membership Goal setting accounts for the greatest amount of variance in team functioning, followed closely by role clarification Salas et al. Does team training work? Principles for health care. Acad Emerg Med :1-8.

5 Partnering with the Patient
Embrace patients as valuable and contributing partners in patient care Listen to patients Learn patients’ preference regarding involvement Ask patients about their concerns Speak to them in lay terms Ask for their feedback Give them access to relevant information Encourage patients and families to proactively participate in patient care (teach back) What is my main problem? What do I need to do? Why is it important for me to do this? Teach – Back / Show-Me Method _02_job_aid_teach_back_method.pdf

6 Essence of a team is common commitment
Groups vs. Teams Working Group Clearly focused leader Individual accountability Individual work products Efficient meetings Indirect measures of performance Discusses, decides, delegates Team Share leadership roles Mutual accountability Collective work products Problem-solving meetings Direct measures of performance Discusses, decides, works together Multidisciplinary group care differs from interdisciplinary care in the structure, process and skills of the providers. Multidisciplinary care takes place in parallel with little direct interaction between providers. Consequently, multidisciplinary treatment is characterized by narrow focus on the goals of individual disciplines and lack of coordination. (Crooks & Geldmacher, 2004, p. 124). How will we decrease readmission rates without a sense of mutual accountability? Essence of a team is common commitment Katzenbach & Smith (2005)

7 Barriers to Team Performance
Inconsistency in team membership Lack of time Lack of information sharing Hierarchy Defensiveness Conventional thinking Varying communication styles Conflict Lack of coordination and follow-up Distractions Fatigue Workload Misinterpretation of cues Lack of role clarity

8 Team Failure Video Did the team establish a leader? Did the team assemble and assign roles and responsibilities to each member? Did the team members communicate essential information to each other? Did all team members contribute? Did the team members demonstrate mutual respect toward one another? Did the team address issues and concerns? What are some specific actions that could have been taken to improve the outcome? Videos must be saved in the same file as your power point for the link to work. If the link does not work, reinsert the video: Click on insert tab in power point Click on Video Click on Video from file Click on Sue SheridanLg001 Click on Insert Vig 4aLg001.mpg

9 Multi-Team System (MTS) for Patient Care
This structure… establishes clarity of roles and responsibilities that makes mutual accountability possible Every multi-team system has similar components….

10 A Core Team is… Made up of care providers who work interdependently to manage a set of assigned patients Dynamic Leadership Core Team members have the closest contact with the patient!

11 A Coordinating Team is…
Responsible for managing the operational environment and resources that supports the Core Team Designated Leadership

12 A Contingency Team is… A time-limited team formed for emergent or specific events and composed of members from various teams

13 Ancillary & Support Services provide…
Ancillary Services provide direct, task-specific, time-limited care to patients. Support Services provide indirect service-focused tasks which help to facilitate the optimal healthcare experience for patients and their families.

14 The Role of Administration is to…
Establish and communicate vision Develop policies and set expectations for staff related to teamwork Support and encourage staff during implementation and culture change Hold teams accountable for team performance Define the culture of the organization

15 Fall Risk Reduction Multi Team System Board of Directors
This slide is an example of how the multi-team system supports fall risk reduction. Board of Directors

16 MTS Supports Chain of Accountability
Patient/ Family Core Team Coordinating Team Administration Board of Directors The board needs to learn about quality and safety from coordinating teams that have direct knowledge of front line structure, process, and outcome. Coordinating teams hold core Core teams accountable for the reliability of processes. Every multi-team system has similar components…. a coordinating team is made up of Designated leaders who are responsible for managing the operational environment and resources that support the Core Team. A coord team is responsible for managing the environment and resources that Core Teams use, and most importantly, they hold the core bedside team accountable for reliably assessing fall risk and implementing universal & targeted interventions to decrease fall risk. Without the patient/family, the MTS has no purpose. The goal of the MTS is to Provide Patient-Centered Care: Listen to their concerns Know their health literacy Give access to relevant information Ask for their feedback….intro concept of Ask me 3 for fall risk reduction… What is my main problem? Becomes… Why might I fall? What do I need to do? Why is it important for me to do this? The pyramid is the perfect symbol for the MTS. Without administration and coordinating and ancillary teams, the core team at the bedside has no foundation to support the patient/family.

17 Exercise: Your Multi-Team System
? ? Team members change but the behaviors remain the same

18 Paradigm Shift to Team System Approach
Dual focus (clinical and team skills) Team performance Informed decision-making Clear understanding of teamwork Managed workload Sharing information Mutual support Team improvement Team efficiency Single focus (clinical skills) Individual performance Under-informed decision-making Loose concept of teamwork Unbalanced workload Having information Self-advocacy Self-improvement Individual efficiency

19 Effective Team Members
Are better able to predict the needs of other team members Provide quality information and feedback Engage in higher level decision-making Manage conflict skillfully (NOT avoid conflict) Understand their roles and responsibilities Reduce stress on the team as a whole through better performance “Achieve a mutual goal through interdependent and adaptive actions”

20 Teamwork Actions Assemble a team Establish a leader
Identify the team’s goals and vision Assign roles and responsibilities Hold team members accountable Actively share information among team members Provide feedback Link these actions to briefs, huddles, and debriefs “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” –Vince Lombardi

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