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Chapter 1 – Introduction and Math Concepts Cover: 1.1-1.9.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 – Introduction and Math Concepts Cover: 1.1-1.9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 – Introduction and Math Concepts Cover: 1.1-1.9

2 4 STEPS TO PROBLEM SOLVING 1.UNDERSTAND the question. 2. SIMPLIFY (draw a picture, weed out the inconsequentials) 3. TRY!! (this requires thinking AND writing; don’t give up completely, but breaks are good!) 4. Does the answer MAKE SENSE? If it doesn’t, it’s probably wrong.

3 1.1 – The Nature of Physics 1.2 – Units SI Units (kilogram, meter, second) Metric Prefixes (Kilo, Centi, Milli, Micro, Nano, etc) Do the prefix scale on the board…

4 1.3 – The Role of Units in Problem Solving Know how to convert units (Conversion Factors!!) Example 1: Convert 55 mi/hr to m/s. Example 2: Convert 60 p.s.i. to kg/cm 2 Dimensional Analysis (pg. 6)

5 1.4 – Trigonometry Right triangles ONLY

6 1.4 – Trigonometry Example 3: How tall is the building? Be sure your calculator is in degree mode!

7 1.4 – Trigonometry Example 4: At what angle does the lakefront drop off?

8 4 STEPS TO PROBLEM SOLVING 1.UNDERSTAND the question. 2. SIMPLIFY (draw a picture, weed out the inconsequentials) 3. TRY!! (this requires thinking AND writing; don’t give up completely, but breaks are good!) 4. Does the answer MAKE SENSE? If it doesn’t, it’s probably wrong.

9 ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 1 Read: 1.1 – 1.4 Answer: Problems #1 – 4; 11,12,16,17 on pg. 21/22 ALSO – Signed Syllabus.

10 1.5 – Scalars & Vectors Scalar – measurement with a single number (magnitude) Vector – measurement with a magnitude and a direction. tailhead

11 1.5 – Scalars & Vectors Vectors are… drawn to scale, printed in bold or with an arrow above.

12 1.5 – Scalars & Vectors 2 Ways to Express Vectors 1) magnitude-angle form 2) x-y component form

13 1.6 – Adding & Subtracting Vectors Vectors are added ‘tail-to-head’ to form a Resultant (R). A & B are colinear; R is no problem

14 1.6 – Adding & Subtracting Vectors A & B are perpendicular; R is no problem

15 1.6 – Adding & Subtracting Vectors A & B are neither colinear nor perpendicular; what is R?

16 1.7 – The Components of a Vector All vectors can be resolved (broken down) into x and y components (parts)

17 1.8 – Adding and Subtracting Vectors II 2 methods of adding/subtracting vectors that are NOT colinear or perpendicular. 1) Graphical (draw to scale, use ruler & protractor) 2) Analytical (resolve each vector into components and add)

18 1.8 – Adding and Subtracting Vectors II Example: Determine the resultant of these two vectors. A = 145m @ 20.0° E of N B = 105m @ 35.0° S of E 1. Draw a rough sketch of the 2 vectors placed ‘tail-to-head’ 2. Break each vector into X and Y components. 3. Add the X’s and Y’s together.

19 ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 1 Read 1.5 – 1.8, Answer Problems #21,24,25,31,32, 33,36,42

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