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May-flies „ The tiny may-flies just lives for one day. Just one day. But we don’t pity it from them, because ont hat day they live for things what they.

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Presentation on theme: "May-flies „ The tiny may-flies just lives for one day. Just one day. But we don’t pity it from them, because ont hat day they live for things what they."— Presentation transcript:

1 May-flies „ The tiny may-flies just lives for one day. Just one day. But we don’t pity it from them, because ont hat day they live for things what they like. They spread their wings and fly with the wind, play and just enjoy their short life’s every moment. They live like they wouldn’t have any other day. Because for them there aren’t any other days. Maybe we could learn from them every day that would be a wonderful life.”

2 The may-flies are counted as vulgar animals over Europe except for Scandinavian and the Mediterranean areas. Nowadays they already only in Carpathian- Basin’s plain rivers, in Tisza and its tributaries can be find.

3 Their quality the largest European may-fly 2,5-3,8 centimeters long It needs 3 ages till the larva fly out of the water Females are bigger than males May-flies live just on one day

4 The swarming of the drake-fly It happens in the evening hours for two weeks in summer Females lay about 7-800 eggs According to the tourists the most beautiful moments are when nearly a shadow is thrown over the surface of the river: ten thousands of females fly to the height of the trees and they sprinkle their eggs After the swarming the males die until the females lay their eggs and then they die too

5 People organize festival in honour of may-flies, where they offer the tourists different opportunities for entertainment. At the end of the festival they take leave of drake-flies with torches, flowers and candles. It is a lifelong experience for the visitors.

6 Thank you for your attention you are very kind because of you watched it!

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