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Dorthea Lange. Dorothea Lange 1895-1965 "an extraordinary phenomenon in photography.” Photography lifelong dream Columbia University Indian Tribes/

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1 Dorthea Lange



4 Dorothea Lange 1895-1965 "an extraordinary phenomenon in photography.” Photography lifelong dream Columbia University Indian Tribes/ migrants First famous picture “White Angel Breadline” “White Angel Breadline” “photography is not an end in itself, but a means of exploring the world so as to improve it.”

5 Dorothea Lange Cont. Govt. noticed power in photos- job U.S. Resettlement Administration document effects of depression on American agriculture Documentary photography Inspired by the Great Depression Looked at something and found beauty in it

6 Dorothea Lange Cont. Goal: capture America on film Capture physical and emotional circumstances of the Great Depression - “Migrant Mother” “Migrant Mother” Pictures showed suffering in everyday life

7 White Angel Breadline COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Rule of thirds Framing – surrounded by people

8 White Angel Breadline Main Focal point center quadrant Clasped hands and cup- pray for food/ money Hat and cup white so stand out Man facing opposite direction I like how she captured the emotion which portrays economic hardship

9 Migrant Mother

10 COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: I like how anxiety is captured: BACK hand to face Childrens’ heads turned away Baby: whitest part of picture yet most unnoticed Wrinkled forehead and eyebrows

11 I Am An American COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Lines – signs, store windows Black and white adds to old effect Main focus on “I AM AN AMERICAN” b/c white stands out

12 On Strike COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Balance Black and white adds to old effect Powerful words on sign- stand out California migrant worker

13 Pledge Of Allegiance COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Japanese-American children Smiles on faces show innocence Black and white adds to old effect

14 The Road West, New Mexico Simplicity Black and white adds to old effect Emptiness Focuses in bottom, blurs towards top of photo

15 "Slept in a bed all my life long, till now-- sleeping on the ground." COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Look of despair Black and white adds to old effect Blurry

16 Migratory Cotton Picker COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Black and white adds to old effect Hand covering face- texture in hand Close up view to show detail Very dark in eye area

17 Toward Los Angeles COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Balance – men not in center of photo Black and white adds to old effect Ironic Texture of land, sky

18 Japanese Relocation COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Black and white adds to old effect Blurry from sunlight Taken from an angle to show long line of people Light bottom left corner

19 Bibliography ange.html ange.html lange- handonface // %2520Lange%2520- %2520Heart%2520and%2520Mind%2520of %2520a%2520Photographer.jpg&imgrefurl=h ttp:// ero%3Dd_lange&h=475&w=348&sz=39&hl=e n&start=4&um=1&tbnid=lnBy8Y_OxDaueM:& tbnh=129&tbnw=95&prev=


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