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The Great California Delta Trail Planning Process for Contra Costa and Solano Counties Technical Advisory Committee Meeting January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great California Delta Trail Planning Process for Contra Costa and Solano Counties Technical Advisory Committee Meeting January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great California Delta Trail Planning Process for Contra Costa and Solano Counties Technical Advisory Committee Meeting January 2010

2 Welcome and Introductions Welcome from Delta Protection Commission Representative of Delta Protection Commission Representative of Assembly Member Tom Torlakson Alta Planning + Design, Consultant National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

3 Project Overview What is the The Great California Delta Trail? The Great Delta Trail concept was born out of Senate Bill 1556 (Assembly Member Torlakson) to facilitate the planning and feasibility process for the establishment of The Great California Delta Trail in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta.


5 Project Overview What is The Great California Delta Trail planning process? Create Blueprint Report for how the trail will be planned in Contra Costa and Solano Counties The Report will be followed by more detailed planning in these and in Sacramento, San Joaquin and Yolo Counties The Great California Delta Trail will be considered for implementation in the cities, towns and communities

6 Project Overview The Blueprint Report will Be a guide for the planning, feasibility and outreach process Be based on working with stakeholders and property owners Build on existing trail networks Identify opportunities for new trails The Blueprint Report will NOT Adopt specific trail alignments or projects but may identify potential trail alignment opportunities

7 Project Overview Who is working on The Great California Delta Trail Blueprint Report? Delta Protection Commission National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program Contra Costa County Solano County Alta Planning + Design, Consultants You!

8 Project Overview Technical Advisory Committee Roles Identify technical issues related to planning, design and engineering Present the related needs and plans of your agency and organization Identify potential, planned and existing trail alignments and projects Help obtain relevant data

9 Project Overview Stakeholder Advisory Committee Roles Present the interests of your constituency Help identify trail opportunities and challenges for areas where you have familiarity Provide insight on local issues that may affect the trail alignment Identify other potential stakeholders

10 Project Summary Goal is to develop a Blueprint Report for the trail planning process and product, focusing on Contra Costa and Solano Counties Report will be followed by more detailed planning in these and in Sacramento, San Joaquin and Yolo Counties Technical and Stakeholder advisory committees will provide valuable input on interests and issues Blueprint Report will not include specific trail alignments or designs, it will be focused on developing the planning, feasibility, and outreach process

11 Project Steps Review existing conditions and policy documents Outreach Local interests Issues Trails Best Practices Memo Technical Issues Memo Draft Great California Delta Trail Blueprint Report Outreach and input Final Great California Delta Trail Blueprint Report

12 Project Schedule

13 Project Background and Context What is a “trail”? Multi use paths Paved paths 12’+ wide Serve bicyclists, pedestrians, ADA, strollers Unpaved trails Serve mountain bicyclists, pedestrians, equestrians, limited wheelchairs Other trails include water trails, interpretive educational trails, agricultural marketing trails

14 Project Background and Context



17 Community Ownership Trail stewardship Public process must build trust Access to nature, scenic views, historical and cultural areas, local communities Respect adjacent property owners Fun, safe and convenient for users Addressed maintenance and management What Makes a Successful Trail?


19 San Francisco Bay Trail

20 American River Parkway

21 Cedar Lake Regional Trail, Minneapolis

22 Sandifer Bridge, Spokane River Centennial Trail, WA

23 Project Background and Context Regional trails typically have: Goals and objectives Design standards Oversight bodies Community involvement Adopted plans

24 Project Background and Context

25 Regional Trails Best Practices Many nearby regional trails: San Francisco Bay Trail Bay Area Ridge Trail California Coastal Trail American River Parkway

26 Project Background and Context Technical Issues Sea level rise Levee integrity Safety and function Right-of-way Agricultural impact Natural resources Cultural resources

27 Project Background and Context Today’s objectives are to identify: Subject or site specific challenges Subject or site specific opportunities Existing or planned trails Relevant data or information

28 Project Background and Context Information gathering Site specific information (projects, resources, ownership) Data and information on existing or planned trails GIS data can help us build a comprehensive map

29 Breakout Session Trail Opportunities and Challenges Breakout Session Break into groups of 4-6 people One facilitator, one note taker Your ideas (subject or site specific) Breakout Session Goals What data do you have? What are the key opportunities and challenges? What is the best way to plan and design the trail? What else should we know about or have?

30 Trail Opportunities and Challenges What is your vision of what The Great California Delta Trail should be? What are key opportunities to create/implement The Great California Delta Trail? What are the key challenges to create/implement the Great California Delta Trail?

31 Next Steps Stakeholder interviews Continue review of existing conditions Develop best practices memo Develop technical issues memo Draft Great California Delta Trail Blueprint Report TAC/SAC meetings in June 2010 Present Final Great California Delta Trail Blueprint Report to Delta Protection Commission

32 Thank you! For more information and to keep updated visit:

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