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BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 TETIANA SHULICHENKO Municipality of Mykolayiv (Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 TETIANA SHULICHENKO Municipality of Mykolayiv (Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 TETIANA SHULICHENKO Municipality of Mykolayiv (Housing and Communal Services Department of Mykolayiv City Council) Mykolayiv, Ukraine 1

2 General Information The city Mykolayiv was founded in 1789 by Duke G.Potyomkin as city and shipyard Today it is the industrial city on the South of Ukraine Administrative center of Mykolayiv region Area of ​​ the city – 259,8 square kilometers; Area of ​​ the city – 259,8 square kilometers; The sales volume on January 1st, 2012 was 9853,2 mln. UAH

3 Population  The number of existing population on January 1st, 2012 amounted to 497.0 thousand people; The age structure of population (%) The capable of working population – 495,2 thousand people (68,1%) The educational level: Complete higher education – 18,9% Basic higher education – 0,8% Incomplete higher education – 20,4% Complete secondary education – 35,4% Basic secondary education – 12,9% Elementary education – 10,3% The educational level of population (%)

4 Budget of the city (mln UA)

5 Expenditures for Housing and Communal Sevices (mln UA)

6 BASIC DATA BASIC DATA in the Housing area (2011)  -Housing facilities – 10751 sq m ;  -Housing facilities per person – 21,4 sq m;  Amount of houses – 34777


8 Fuels Delivery of heat Heat consumption in schools

9 СENTRE OF APPLIED RESEARCHES IN POWER ENGINEERING OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SHIPBUILDING Сentre of applied researches in power engineering (hereinafter referred to as the Center) of the National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov was established by order of the chancellor in 1998 for resolving some theoretical and applied problems of regional energy development and municipal water supply systems. In 1999 the Center and its staff were certified to audit the state-financed and industrial enterprises on energy and project-management on system P2M (2008).The Center is a part of the university structure, has a separate office, equipped with the most up-to-date means of communication and office accessories. The Center includes two specialized laboratories. The staff of the Center are experienced enough to undertake the activities. They can also ensure the implementation of the contracts related to the municipal energy supply system enhancement (i.e. energy audit, development of regional energy- saving programs and energy-supply system optimization, ecological inspection, development of technical-and-economic feasibility of the projects and reforming the programs of energy objects, development of electronic energy supply schemes, etc.) and municipal water supply systems.

10 The staff members of the Center undergo training courses in accordance with their individual planning, both locally and abroad. The Center is a regional industry-leader on competence and quality. Since its establishment the Center has done over 50 scientific researches on the municipal energy supply system and municipal water supply systems enhancement, ordered by the executive authorities and industrial enterprises of Ukraine. The staff members have taken part in 5 international contracts and contract with IFC (a member of the World Bank Group).The Center organized and ran four international scientific-and- technical conferences “Municipal energy: problems, solutions” (2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, plan. - November 2013). The Center has scientific connections with energy enterprises of USA, Russia, India, PRC, etc. The research manager and founder of the Center is member of the Engineering academy and Ukrainian academy of Energy, member of expert committee of the Ministry of regional construction and housing of Ukraine. Research manager of Сentre - Yuriy Kharytonov, е-mail:,

11 Projects and International cooperation 1.The project feasibility study and scientific-and-technical Requirements for Development of the program of energy saving and efficiency for heat power industry in Mykolayiv for 2010 - 2016. 2. Implementation of the project of the Mykolayiv city council „Integrated implementation of the Program of reorganizing of housing-and-municipal services of Mykolayiv by introducing the innovative energy-saving technology and enhancement of the management system”. 3. Statistical studies of energy consumption in Mykolayiv (educational and health institutions). 4. Modification of the heat supply system scheme in Mykolayiv. 5. Development of the basic theory of organization and project management for modernization of energy supply systems of cities of Ukraine. 6. Program development for Mykolayiv heat supply system enhancement 7. Providing an independent examination of heat-supply schemes and issue of expert report, etc.

12 N°Activity 1 Week 2 12345678 1Action plan development 1.1Development and agreement of the program 2Analysis and formation of databases of the objects 2.1Analysis and formation of databases of the objects, Ap.1 2.2Analysis and formation of databases of the objects, Ap.2 3.Audit and measurements 3.1Audit and measurements Ap.1 3.2Audit and measurements Ap.2 4.Analytical survey 4.1Analytical survey Ap.1 4.2Analytical survey Ap.2 5.Reporting and archiving of the project 5.1Making preliminary report 5.2Making final report and archiving of the project Cooperation with IFC

13 Our role in BSBEEP 13 Group of Activities (GA) 1:  Activity 1: Collect and compare Institutional framework (legal and aministrative framework) at EU, national and local level concerning energy efficiency issues focused on buildings construction sector.  Activity 2: Collect information about funding opportunities, programms and political initiatives at EU, national and local level and evaluate them in order to meet the needs of partners.  Activity 3: Collection of appropriate applied best practices concerning energy efficiency issues and proposals to implement them.  Activity 4: Collection of a pool of active bodies and experts that are involved on energy efficiency matters -"BSBEEP POOL"  Activity 5: Collection of building materials and systems concerning energy efficiency issues - "BSBEEP AGORA"

14 Our role in BSBEEP Group of Activities (GA) 2:  Activity 1: Energy-audit. Assessment of energy consumption and other environmental data by applying conventional and thermographic methods. Selected evaluation targets.  Activity 3: Calculation of the carbon footprint (CF) on municipal level.Implementation of estimation studies at municipality of Mykolayiv  Activity 4: Recording and pre-selection of potential building as targets for the implementation of retrofitting actions (pilot demonstration projects).

15 Our role in BSBEEP Group of Activities (GA) 3:  Activity 1: Planning and implementation of actions for raising awareness of local actors on energy issues in daily life  Activity 2: Identification and evaluation of proposed actions for the amelioration of the environmental performance – Action Plans elaboration  Activity 3: Implementation of Pilot Demonstration Projects  Activity 4: Training sessions on various target groups

16 Our role in BSBEEP Group of Activities (GA) 4:  Activity 2: Implementation of communication plan (project newsletter, press releases, media)  Activity 4: Capitalisation of project activities, including looking for networking, fund raising, continuation of project Group of Activities (GA) 5:  Activity 2: Assure the quality of GA's deliverables. Setting up a system for assuring the quality of GA's deliverables, their feasibility and further use of them. This activity will constitute a major contribution to capitalisation of Project. Activity 3: Financial monitoring, reporting and auditing.

17 BSBEEP Partner Perception and Added Value – Getting the data results of the energy audit – Conduct training for employees on energy efficiency – Development of projects and programs on energy efficiency – Development of transnational synergies with academic institutions and research groups within the wider Black Sea basin – Access to external data – Diffusion of knowledge and expertise to various stakeholdres 17 Saving energy

18 Contact details Municipality of Mykolayiv Name of your institution: Municipality of Mykolayiv (Housing and Communal Services Department of Mykolayiv City Council) Name of contact person/s for BSBEEP project: - VALENTYN HAYDARGY TETIANA SHULICHENKO - TETIANA SHULICHENKO e-mail of contact person/s: - - phone nr.: +380512472191 +380512374397 18

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