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Multivariate Dyadic Regression Trees for Sparse Learning Problems Xi Chen Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University (joint work with Han Liu)

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Presentation on theme: "Multivariate Dyadic Regression Trees for Sparse Learning Problems Xi Chen Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University (joint work with Han Liu)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multivariate Dyadic Regression Trees for Sparse Learning Problems Xi Chen Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University (joint work with Han Liu)

2 Content Experimental Results Statistical Property Multivariate Regression and Dyadic Regression Tree Tree Learning Algorithm Multivariate Dyadic Regression Tree for Sparse Learning

3 Multivariate Regression Model Predictors Responses Estimate : Minimize the L 2 -risk Empirical Risk Minimization

4 Tree Based Method  Estimation using tree based methods  Why trees?  Simplicity of Design  Good Interpretability  Easy Implementation  Good Practical Performance

5 Tree Based Method  CART (Classification and Regression Tree) [Breiman 1984] No. of terminal nodes Hard to be theoretically analyzed!

6 Dyadic Decision/Regression Tree  Dyadic Split [Scott 2004]

7 Sparse Model Lower Minimax Rate of Convergence of the risk Slow Fast Sparse Model

8 Regression Tree Piecewise Constant Piecewise Linear Piecewise Polynomial Gamma-Ray Burst 845

9 Multivariate Dyadic Regression Tree (MDRT) Active Set Rule 1 Rule 2 Multivariate Dyadic Regression Tree (MDRT) Variable Selection

10 Multivariate Dyadic Regression Tree Regularization Parameter Fine partitionSparse Model Lower degree poly

11 Statistical Property  Assumption 1:  Assumption 2:  Convergence Rate Minimax Rate

12 Tree Learning Algorithm Loss: Minimize the cost

13 Tree Learning Algorithm  Tree-growing stage  Pruning-back stage Randomized Greedy

14 Experimental Results  Methods Compared Methods Greedy MDRT with M=1 MDRT(G, M=1) Randomized MDRT with M=1 MDRT(R, M=1) Greedy MDRT with M=0 MDRT(G, M=0) Randomized MDRT with M=0 MDRT(R, M=0) Classification and Regression Tree CART Piecewise Linear Piecewise Constant

15 Generalized Nonlinear Model Experimental Results  Synthetic Data Linear Model Additive Model

16 Experimental Results

17  Real Data (MSE) 10 artificial variables from Unif(0,1) 15 artificial variables from Unif(0,1) Never selected in 20 runs for M=1

18 Conclusion  Multivariate Regression Tree Model  Dyadic Split  A novel penalization term  Theoretically, achieve nearly optimal minimax rate for (α,C) smooth function  Empirically, conduct variable selection for sparse models  Efficient computation tree learning algorithm  Extensions  Classification Trees  Forest Extensions


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