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TITLE Subtitle Place Center Logo here Place partner logos here.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE Subtitle Place Center Logo here Place partner logos here."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE Subtitle Place Center Logo here Place partner logos here

2 Guidelines for presentation  General: No more than 7-8 Minutes –Sharp and compelling as this will determine prize competition! 10 slides max. Slides breakdown given below is approximate and “thank you” slide, if you plan to have one, does not count Use this template and below outline to develop presentation Use the elements from the abstract submitted, but make presentation convincing and captivating  Contents: 1.Key problem or development challenge. 1 slide 2.What science was carried out to address this challenge ? 3 slides (methodology, process, etc) 3.What outputs were produced ? (do not list papers, find other ways to present). 1 slide 4.Who were our partners – and their roles (research, leverage, capacity development)? 1 slide 5.What was the outcome and evidence of it (including how it was used and by whom)? 2 slides 6.Lessons/or next steps (e.g. upscaling or further work for emerging outcomes) – 1 slide


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