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June’s remodeling 2013 Summer Institutes | Changing Teacher Practice  Changing Student Outcomes Remodeling Session Rolling Out the Reasons for Engaging.

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Presentation on theme: "June’s remodeling 2013 Summer Institutes | Changing Teacher Practice  Changing Student Outcomes Remodeling Session Rolling Out the Reasons for Engaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 June’s remodeling 2013 Summer Institutes | Changing Teacher Practice  Changing Student Outcomes Remodeling Session Rolling Out the Reasons for Engaging in Scientific Argumentation NCDPI Science Consultants: Debra Hall Jami Inman Donna Kenestrick Ragan Spain Benita Tipton Beverly Vance, Section Chief

2 North Carolina Summer Institutes Learning Path 20112012 2013 WHAT Focus: Internalizing a new SCOS HOW Focus: Planning how instruction needs to change IMPROVING PRACTICE Essential Standards Focus: Reflecting, adjusting and improving after year one of implementation Summer Institutes

3 Session Objectives By the end of this session participants will… –Explore the elements associated with engaging in argument from evidence. –Engage in activities that apply the Claims-Evidence- Reasoning model and Science Writing Heuristic. –Link activities to Professional Teaching Standards, NC Science Essential Standards, Common Core Literacy Standards, A Framework for K-12 Science Education, and NC’s Home Base resources.

4 Introductions Name Role What you hope to gain from today’s session

5 How was your weekend? How would you describe your weekend? Explain, citing evidence to support your claim about how you describe your weekend.

6 Claims, Evidence, Reasoning

7 The Cl-Ev-R Poster Take a moment to examine the handout: –Cl-Ev-R Explanation (side 1) –Analysis Template (side 2)

8 The Cl-Ev-R Analysis Template

9 Cl aim

10 Ev idence

11 R easoning

12 Cl-Ev-R & Formative Probes

13 Cl-Ev-R Formative Probe Complete Sections 1 & 2 of the SWH template: 1.My Question: 1.My Beginning Understanding:

14 Making a Probe CONCRETE Activity: Use the materials at your table to conduct an experiment. Record your procedure and test results.

15 Making a Probe CONCRETE Activity (cont’d): Reference Handout #1 to Write a claim regarding the effect of holes on floating. Provide an explanation to support your claim with evidence and reasoning.

16 Sharing and Comparing Results 2 Stay and the Rest Stray Activity: 1.Two members of your team stay at your table to review “external sources”. 2.The rest of the team moves to collaborate with other class members “internal sources”. 3.Record your findings in Section 7 of the SWH template. 4.Return to your table and share your findings with your group and recording their findings.


18 What is SWH Science Writing Heuristic Guided inquiry Writing to learn strategy Used to promote collaboration, learning, critical thinking skills, communication, & problem solving

19 Why SWH? NRC says: Students need to investigate Students need to gain evidence for their claims Students need to compare their findings to those of peers, others Students need to communicate and defend their findings

20 What students DO when using SWH … Design and carry out labs based on their questions Make claims based on evidence Share what they learned with peers Compare their findings to those of the scientific community Reflect on their experiences Apply new ways of understanding

21 Cl-Ev-R & Science Essential Standards How can Cl-Ev-R be used to teach the North Carolina Science Essential Standards?

22 NC Professional Teaching Standards (NCPTS) How does the Cl-Ev-R model help educators address the NCPTS?

23 How does the Cl-Ev-R model help educators use Home Base more effectively?

24 PLCs How does the Cl-Ev-R model help educators answer the 4 critical questions?

25 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) How does the Cl-Ev-R model help educators utilize UDL?

26 Implementing SWH How does the Cl-Ev-R model help educators connect Science & Engineering Practices, CC Math Practices and CC Literacy Standards?

27 Evaluations Thank you for completing the session evaluation found at the bottom of the interactive agenda.

28 Goodbye Science Section Chief Beverly Vance (919) 807-3936 Science Consultants Debra Hall (919) 807-3814 Jami Inman (919) 807-3607 Donna Kenestrick (919) 807-3863 Ragan Spain (919) 807-3950 Benita Tipton (919) 807-3933

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