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Ch: 2 Origin of Press laws Indian Context. Why press legislations? Press originated in Europe in the 16 th Century The control over the citizens was broken.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch: 2 Origin of Press laws Indian Context. Why press legislations? Press originated in Europe in the 16 th Century The control over the citizens was broken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch: 2 Origin of Press laws Indian Context

2 Why press legislations? Press originated in Europe in the 16 th Century The control over the citizens was broken for the first time The Church and the Monarch wanted restrictions- to control the content Initially severe punishments were meted out

3 Early days of press The earliest controls were in the form of registrations- licensing Licensing- permits to start a printing press/newspaper Royal Charter- only a few influential people got the permits Trouble-makers were deliberately kept out

4 Licensing in India Hickey- the earliest newspaper came out in 1780 There were no restrictions/laws governing the publishing in India The governor-general could take action only under the general laws of the land Punished and deported under the Sedition Law Inadequate- led to the Licensing Act

5 Prior Restraint Licensing- get the official permission to start a newspaper/keep a printing press The permit could be taken away in case of violation Printers were forced to deposit a huge amount of money- forfeit to government Finally, the act was removed from the statute but replaced with censorship

6 Censorship in India Pre-censorship- before publishing anything the newspaper has to be approved for printing by the authorities Allowed the government to control content perceived to be against the state/people in the government Prior-restraint- against freedom of press and stunned the growth

7 Defamation Defamation- any communication that lowers the reputation of an individual in the eyes of the society Both civil and criminal defamation Brought into law through the IPC 1860 Any journalist/newspaper writing scurrilous reports- punished

8 Vernacular Press Act Attention of the British in India was the English language press The language press had more influence- First war of independence 1857 The govt. brought in Vernacular Press Act- silence the language press

9 Indian Penal Code Punishment for violating: Communal harmony- inciting hatred or enmity among different communities- Art. 153A Art. 295A and Art. 298 Decency and morality- any writing, photos that are construed as obscene Art. 292A, Art. 292, Art. 293, Art. 294 Public order- writing that disturbs public order is punishable – 1 st Constitutional Amendment 1951

10 Official Secrets Act The British Official Secrets Act brought down to India Indian Official Secrets Act, 1918- to protect official secrets/state secrets Stop and punish journalists/newspapers giving government information to the public

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