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Social Media Career Fair. Getting Active in Social Media. Today.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Career Fair. Getting Active in Social Media. Today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Career Fair. Getting Active in Social Media. Today.

2 2 “The skills you had that got you the job are not the skills you need to do the job.” Ford Motor Company

3 your old job Communications strategy Internal communications Media analytics Media relations Community relations Business metrics Communications planner Hard worker your new job Futurist Driving instructor Marriage counsellor Speed dater Mah-jong player Astronomer Bicycle repairman Dragon Boat racer 3

4 but first. 4

5 airwaves one to many movable type one to many telegraph & phone one to one recorded image one to many 500 years 4 revolutions

6 “the largest increase in expressive capability in human history.” - Clay Shirky, Author REVOLUTION GLOBAL ONLINE

7 publishers formerly known as audience many to many

8 “Every generation needs a new revolution.” Thomas Jefferson

9 two drivers trusttechnology 9

10 Insert image in this space 10 in one generation the nature of trust has changed irrevocably

11 trust to operate in society’s best interest o Armed forces+43% o NGOs+27% o Education system+26% o Health system+17% o Trade unions/labor+2% o Legal system-2% o Global companies-9% o Large national companies -10% Accenture The Business of Trust, World Economic Forum “Voice of the People Forum”

12 12 Insert image in this space 12 ‘The Occupy Movement’ began 17/9/11 and is now global Profile of Protestors: “1/3 were older than 35, half were employed full-time, 13% were unemployed and 13% earned over $75,000.” – Baruch College School of Public Affairs

13 You Are No Longer Trusted

14 but we trust Miss Fong in Hong Kong

15 trust me

16 Asia-Pacific mobile internet users will nearly double from 623.3 million in 2011 to more than 1.22 billion in 2015 eMarketer Asia-Pacific mobile internet users will nearly double from 623.3 million in 2011 to more than 1.22 billion in 2015 eMarketer

17 powerful easy fast connected ubiquitous cheap in your pocket now

18 your new job instructions

19 build a culture honesty only policy identify yourself social media guidelines training constant communication clarity about home, work don’t start unless committed inform educate repeat

20 20 people trust brands that build a personal relationship Blogs Social Networks Online Communities Radio Online Brand Content TV Search Rewards Programs Mobile Marketing Print Direct Mail Opt-in E-mail Online Display Advertising Mass Targeted Personalized TrialAdvocacy Relationships AwarenessLoyaltyConsideration TRUST Personalization DigitalTraditional 20

21 start by listening

22 how to listen how to listen social media monitoring

23 try talking

24 outreach basics start small be consistent create a unique voice be relevant build a network, create allies register everywhere listen and respond register connect find your voice

25 “We have studies showing that brands connecting aggressively through social media are generating far greater revenue growth than those that are not. Marc Pritchard, Chief Marketing Officer, Proctor & Gamble, September, 2009 25

26 harness your network

27 building allies create relationships know who is who conversations are two way be supportive make it habit to be online listen and help ask for guidance, feedback be really quick to make friends be a friend

28 in a connected world, power shifts to those best able to connect. Dov Seidman “ ”

29 constantly evaluate

30 milestones link to business plan measure engagement trial programs ask for feedback understand measure evaluate


32 Insert image in this space 32 the price of success is hard work

33 33 Corporate Communications Media relations Change management Corporate branding and positioning Reputation management Crisis communications Issues management CSR programmes Internal communications Financial Communications Investor Relations Financial reporting Mergers & Acquisitions Corporate Defense Management Buyouts IPOs/Listings/Capital raisings Private Equity communications support Restructuring Public Affairs Government Relations Competition issues Merger control issues Regulation issues Litigation support European Affairs Opinion building Policy and legislation monitoring now a word from my sponsor… Social Media Listening and Analysis Policy Development Stakeholder Engagement Program Development Training Outreach Crisis Communications

34 34 Over 350 highly experienced professionals Over 40 nationalities Blue-chip clients Global Footprint, Local Knowledge, Coordinated Across the World 31 offices, 25 countries, 6 continents, 1 firm

35 35 “ If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” General Eric Shineski, Retired Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

36 36 Read: http:// FacingChina Attend: #3Shots - 23 April @ 18:00 Download: Wallyballoo Follow

37 37 questions?

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