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SOCIAL INCLUSION 4 defining the problem: rurality, unemployment, “traditional” vs new economy, alienation of “old” workers, cultural shift possible?… 4.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL INCLUSION 4 defining the problem: rurality, unemployment, “traditional” vs new economy, alienation of “old” workers, cultural shift possible?… 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL INCLUSION 4 defining the problem: rurality, unemployment, “traditional” vs new economy, alienation of “old” workers, cultural shift possible?… 4 the Information Society includes everyone 4 not just about skilling up, affordable equipment/ease of access but awareness; reasons for using ICT

2 IN or OUT? 4 IN: “early adopters” 11%, access 33%; urban, higher-income, white-collar, students 4 OUT: lower income (cost of PCs), lower qualifications, literacy problems (www design issues), rural dwellers, disabled... 4 ICT can enable or exclude depending on strategy adopted

3 A positive approach 4 The “haves” need the “have-nots”: the economy doesn’t run on 11% 4 Benefits for all, not charity 4 Creativity, original thinking not limited to IT-aware 4 Re-think curriculum, formal education should not reproduce elites

4 Examples of good practice 4 BYTES project, 9 centres in North, 7000 young people trained 4 Classroom 2000: PCs in schools, may be gateway for community access 4 Recycling of redundant PCs (DCU, NICVA…)—network/register? 4 Learn about re-skilling from other post- industrial regions

5 Examples of good practice 4 Nerve Centre (Derry) example of how community-based project can achieve global reach 4 “Champions” of ICT can encourage adoption of ICT at local level 4 Fasttrack to IT ( FÁS/govt/industry partnership built on Ballymun project (importance of certification)

6 Examples of good practice 4 Cross Connect: PCs & videoconferencing in rural schools added value/interest to esp. language teaching 4 North better at getting disabled access; need (CCBS?) study/report on various initiatives 4 Enniskillen farmers & grannies

7 Keep perspective 4 Manufacturing base still strong, will outnumber direct ICT employment 4 We don’t need 100,000 software engineers 4 Re employment, don’t just focus on ICT jobs but how ICT impacts on other sectors 4 Don’t set targets, but monitor

8 It’s about content 4 ICT is only a mode of getting info to people 4 Need to get the right info to the right people 4 Public services can be delivered more efficiently 4 Interesting/relevant/entertaining content engages people, let tech training follow

9 Go with the flow 4 Satellite/cable/digital TV & mobile phones have achieved huge penetration of “excluded” sectors (abandon PC focus?)

10 What is to be done? 4 Resources for cross-border work much less than for single-jurisdiction work 4 Tackle bureaucracy 4 Publicise best practice 4 Encourage funding agencies to focus on excluded 4 Pilot cross-border projects

11 What is to be done? 4 Make space for creativity in curriculum 4 ICT-based literacy programmes 4 Publicise best practice 4 Distance learning overcomes rurality/ disability 4 Don’t restrict work to border areas


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