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N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 1 Nicolas Fedorczak Poloidal mapping of turbulent transport in SOL plasmas. G. Bonhomme,

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Presentation on theme: "N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 1 Nicolas Fedorczak Poloidal mapping of turbulent transport in SOL plasmas. G. Bonhomme,"— Presentation transcript:

1 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 1 Nicolas Fedorczak Poloidal mapping of turbulent transport in SOL plasmas. G. Bonhomme, F. Brochard, H. Bufferand, G. Ciraolo, M. Farge, Ph. Ghendrih, J.P. Gunn, P. Hennequin, L. Isoardi, R. Nguyen, C. Reux, F. Schwander, P. Tamain, L. Vermare J.P. Gunn

2 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 2 Poloidal mapping of turbulent transport in SOL plasmas Multi-diagnostics investigation of transport at the edge I. Fast visible imaging :  Evidences of transport phenomena & asymmetries II. Local turbulence with probe :  blobby ExB convection  blobby ExB convection III. Steady-state flows (probe)  Poloidal mapping of the radial flux Rake probe turbulence Fast visible imaging turbulence Tunnel Probe // flow

3 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 3 2. Fast visible imaging : evidences of transport phenomena Similar gas injections on High Field Side / Low Field Side Clear evidence of transport asymmetry --> filaments on the Low Field Side Fast imaging in the visible range --> fluctuations of SOL plasma density  Aligned with magnetic field & propagation (r,  )  filaments with k // >0

4 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 4 2. Plasma filaments : not a SOL phenomenon Other experiment : stationary fully detached plasmas (3-4 sec.) Other experiment : stationary fully detached plasmas (3-4 sec.) Again, field aligned structures only on the Low Field Side + local conditions ( *, P ) similar to SOL --> emissive ring in the confined region (r/a ~0.5 ) filaments  k // > 0 + open / closed field lines 20ms picture 20ms picture 20µs snapshot 20µs snapshot

5 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 5 3. Local fluctuations : blobby ExB radial transport Intermittent flux with a residual time averaged amplitude Intermittent flux with a residual time averaged amplitude Turbulent radial flux : Good coupling between E  & n e for radial transport (all time scales) Good coupling between E  & n e for radial transport (all time scales) Transport coefficient :

6 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 6 3. Local fluctuations : blobby ExB radial transport Whole radial profiles are treated in term of transport coefficient:  few cm. Value coherent with density profile  Need of a poloidal mapping of the radial flux in the SOL Radial increase of the velocity measured at the midplane TCV Garcia, Pitts PPCF 2007 Alcator-C mod Moyer JNM 1997 ?

7 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 7 4. Steady-state flows and flux asymmetries : evidences Flow transition when rolling the plasma up-down on outboard limiters.  Main contribution from particle source asymmetry M // (@ Top) & plasma position Near sonic // flows usually measured at the plasma top Near sonic // flows usually measured at the plasma top J.P. Gunn JNM 2007

8 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 8 4. Steady-state flows and radial flux : Amplitude & asymmetry Initial data Line integrated radial flux S r radial flux S r L. Isoardi & al. P. H. Bufferand & al. P2. 60

9 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 9 4. Radial flux tailoring : poloidal mapping Fine mapping around the outboard midplane by varying the SOL magnetic topology Radial particle flux centered on the outboard midplane (   ~  50 ° ) Multi-limiter SOL shaping: G. Ciraolo P2. 60

10 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 10 5. Mutli-diagnostics coherency Fast visible imaging  Convection of density filaments  Evidence of asymmetries Probes Probes Local blobby ExB transport consistent with Global particle balance (steady-state flux mapping) SOL transport : LFS blobby ExB convection + k // >0 Radial flux poloidal mapping @ LCFS

11 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 11 6. Multi-Tokamak coherency : Top to midplane measurements Local ExB flux @ Top + Poloidal flux mapping (function of radius) Usual behavior - Tore Supra - Tore Supra - JET - JET Usual behavior - TCV - TCV - Alcator C-mod - Alcator C-mod - DIII-D - DIII-D Extrapolated transport behavior coherent with midplane measurements Radial decrease @ Top Top  midplane extrapolation Radial increase @ midplane

12 N. Fedorczak O-26 PSI 2010 San Diego 12 7. Conclusion & perspectives  Radial particle transport in the SOL :  Driver of SOL // flow  Boundary conditions for core rotation.  Do not depend on magnetic topology - open / closed field lines  highly asymmetrical : centered on outboard midplane + k // >0 modes.  High fraction due to ExB density convections ( ~ 100%) ALCATOR C-mod : LaBombard NF 2004 TORE SUPRA : P. Hennequin EPS 2010 - X-point / limiter - X-point / limiter  Involved in apparent incoherencies :  Local / Global particle flux balance  Multi machine comparison  Realistic transport parameters for simulations of edge plasmas SOLEDGE 2D / SOLEDGE 3D Kelvin-Helmotz instability F. Schwander P. Multi-limiters SOL profiles G. Ciraolo, L. Isoardi, H. Bufferand P.

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