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Name Department Institution Date Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Replace with your Logo Title of Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Department Institution Date Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Replace with your Logo Title of Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Department Institution Date Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Replace with your Logo Title of Presentation in Initial Capitals: 36 Points, Calibri Bold

2 Katrine Aspmo Torunn Berg Norwegian Institute for Air Research Grethe Wibetoe University of Oslo, Dept. of Chemistry 16 June 2004 Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events in Polar Regions during Arctic Spring

3 3 Topic 1 Image for Topic 1 Topic 2 Image for Topic 2 Topic 3 Image for Topic 3 This presentation focuses on… (complete sentence, but go no more than two lines)

4 4 This talk traces what happens to mercury after it depletes from the atmosphere in arctic regions Environmental implications Measurements from Station Theory for mercury cycling

5 5

6 6 If necessary, identify key assumption or background for audience—keep to two lines (18–24 point type) Image(s) supporting above assertion This sentence headline makes an assertion on the first topic in no more than two lines

7 7 Fragments quickly outpace the blast wave and become the primary hazard to personnel

8 8

9 9 Call-out, if necessary: keep to one or two lines Image or equations supporting the headline assertion Call-out, if necessary: keep to one or two lines This sentence headline makes an assertion on the second topic in no more than two lines

10 10 Reynolds Number Nu o, f o T wall T inlet Heat Flux, q˝ h Nu T bulk Friction Factor, f Pressure Drop Pressure TapsThermocouplesVenturi MeterVoltmeter Normalized friction factors and Nusselt numbers correlated our data with the data of others

11 11

12 12 Feature or call-out—no more than two lines Image supporting above assertion This sentence headline makes an assertion on the third topic in no more than two lines Feature or call-out—no more than two lines

13 Early detection methods can identify small tumors and therefore improve survival rates of patients [Lai et al., 2007]

14 14

15 15 Supporting point (no more than two lines) Another supporting point (parallel to the first) Image that supports conclusion Questions? In summary, this sentence headline states the most important assertion of the presentation Logo

16 16 Questions? Wires not harnessed to prevent contact with housing Short circuit to ground created where wire contacted housing In summary, the detector failed because of a short-circuit created by the abrasion of wire insulation

17 17

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