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Lecture 9. Functional Genomics at the Protein Level: Proteomics.

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1 Lecture 9. Functional Genomics at the Protein Level: Proteomics

2 Functional Genomics: Development and Application of Genome- Wide Experimental Approaches to Assess Gene Function by making use of the information and reagents provided by Structural Genomics

3 Goals of Functional Genomics: 1)DNA 2)RNA 3) Protein 4) Whole organism 5) Society Lander, E. 1996. The New Genomics: Global Views of Biology. Science 274: 536-539.

4 Goals of Proteomics a) monitoring the expression and modification state of all proteins in a cell; comparison of proteomes between cells b i) systematic catalogs of all protein:protein interactions (e.g., yeast two hybrid interactions; protein chips; co--IP; affinity chromatography; resolution of complex mixtures purified from cells) ii) systematic catalogs of biochemical interactions, eg., protein kinase/substrate interactions c) application of structural biochemistry to genomics: classifying proteins by their shapes

5 Why proteomics? 1) Expression of many proteins does not correlate with mRNA levels (in yeast estimated that for 50-60% of proteins there is not a linear correlation between protein expression and mRNA expression) 2) Many proteins are expressed in an inactive form and only activated post-translationally 3) Many proteins function as part of a complex, and mRNA expression will not reveal these interactions

6 Mass Spectrometry is the Key Technology for Proteomics Separates Ions in the Gas Phase Based on mass/charge (m/z) ratio See this web site for detailed information about Mass Spec: 1. Determining the Proteome of Cells

7 In gel Peptide “fingerprint” OR 2D Gel Electrophoresis is Coupled with One of Two Types of MS

8 Peptide Mixture MALDI (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization) Mass Spec

9 The Actual Mass Spectrum is Compared to Theoretical Mass Spectrum Predicted for All Proteins in The Genome

10 Peptide Separation Alternative: HPLC Separation of Peptides Compare peptide mass + “sequence tags” to all possible patterns in the database Nanospray Tandem Mass Spec (MS/MS) MS/MS Techniques Can also be Used to Detect Protein Modification (e.g., phosphorylation. acetylation, etc.)

11 PI MW The 2D Gel is limiting: Rare Proteins or Proteins with Extreme PI (or MW) may not be detected

12 Comparing the Proteomes of cells Under Different Conditions

13 2. Cataloging Protein:Protein Interactions a. Mass Spec to Determine Protein:Protein Interactions Wave of the Future: Determining the Identity of all Proteins in Complicated Mixtures

14 B. High Throughput Assays to Determine Protein:Protein Interaction I: Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay

15 B. High Throughput Assays to Determine Protein:Protein Interaction II: Protein Chips

16 Comparison of Different Media for Protein Chips

17 Protein Chips can also be Used to Study Biochemical reactions: e.g., to Idenitfy Protein Kinase Substrates.

18 C. Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) to Study Protein:Protein Interactions Inside Cells GFP Fluorescence High Throughput Assays can be Developed FRET

19 3. Application of Structural Biology to Genomics: Predicting Protein Function Based on Protein Shape Conserved Primary Sequences in Protein Family=

20 Conserved Secondary Structure=


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