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Beyond Google & More, Better, Faster Breanna Weston March 18, 2008 Library and Media Services

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1 Beyond Google & More, Better, Faster Breanna Weston March 18, 2008 Library and Media Services

2 Beyond Google: Improving Students’ Research and Information Gathering Techniques   Why Information Literacy?   Institutional Aspiration for Learning –WOU   Required for accreditation by NWCCU   General skill   Data Smog   Better work   What is it? “Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to ‘recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.’” (IL Comp Standard for Higher Ed-ACRL)

3 Creating Life Long Learners   Know   Access   Evaluate   Use   Ethics ACRL – IL Comp Standards for Higher Ed

4 Know  Articulates  Identifies  Plan  Reevaluates Initial thesis statement development. News article vs. original research Create a timeline of research including possible sources. Thesis Statement Planning Publication Process Explaining

5 Access  Select  Search  Retrieves  Refines  Manage Information Retreival Systems Search Strategies Finding Resource Comparison of search engines. (Google, Academic Search Premier, PsychINFO) Require variety of sources. Track searches.

6 Evaluate  Summarizes  Applies  Synthesize  Integrates  Impact  Validation  Revision Main Points Evaluate Construct new concepts Discussion Compare sources Annotated bibliographies Create a forum/blog posts – require postings.

7 Use  Applies  Revises  Communicates Producing product Revising Sharing Product – paper, video, podcast, wiki Presentation of product Allow revisions

8 Ethics  Understands  Follows  Acknowledges Plagiarism/Works Cited Copyright Privacy/Security Netiquette Censorship/ Freedom of Speech Paraphrasing lessons Practice good ethics Works cited More integrated approach.

9  Articulates  Identifies  Plan  Reevaluates  Select  Search  Retrieves  Refines  Manage  Summarizes  Applies  Synthesize  Integrates  Impact  Validation  Revision  Applies  Revises  Communicates   Understands   Follows   Acknowledges KNOW ACCESS USE EVALUATE ETHICS Revision Purposefu l Aware Thinking

10 Designing IL Assignments  Changing resources in Library  Use reserves (Mob Scene)  Collaborate with Librarians  Assume limited knowledge  Try assignments WOU, Hardesty

11 Designing IL Assignments II  In context, always better  Post assignments  Clarify sources (what does online mean?)  Incorporate technology  Break down assignments WOU, Hardesty

12 Sources  ACRL - IL Competency Standard for Higher Ed ACRL - IL Competency Standard for Higher Ed ACRL - IL Competency Standard for Higher Ed  Institutional Aspirations for Learning Institutional Aspirations for Learning Institutional Aspirations for Learning  NWCCU NWCCU  Information R/evolution – Michael Wesch Information R/evolution Information R/evolution  WOU Library Instruction Tips for better library/research assignments WOU Library Instruction WOU Library Instruction  The Role of the Library in the First College Year – Chapeter 8 Strategies for Designing Assignments to Support Information Literacy Initiatives Larry l. Hardesty

13 More, Better, Faster: Harnessing new technologies to save time, organize your research, and improve your teaching. What is Web 2.0? Tim O’Reilly

14 RSS   What is RSS?   Real Simple Syndication – “format used to publish frequently updated content”   What is an RSS reader?   Also called feed reader or aggregator   Software to read RSS content   Why is it cool?   Allows you to subscribe to multiple feeds, and the reader automatically checks for updates. Check out my post to see the amazing things you can do with RSS content.   What uses RSS?   Blogs   News   Databases   Journals   Convert html to RSS   Why?   Time Saver   Ability to share   Richer courses   Keep in touch   Examples   Bloglines   Google Reader   Other Software

15 BLOGS   Examples   Meredith Farkas   Michael Wesch   Library and Media Services   Blog Software   Blogger   Bloglines   WordPress   WOU Blog Server   What is a Blog?   Software interface -RSS   Updated frequently, sorted by chronology of posts   Informal – subjects range   Ability to have comments, archives, blogrolls, feeds   Why Blog?   Professional online presence   Leadership   Scholarly Communication   Learn new things   Reflection of thoughts   Classroom Management

16 Social Bookmarking   What is Social Bookmarking?   Storing, organizing, sharing, managing bookmarks on the internet.   Sites     Digg   Furl   StumbleUpon   Reddit   Only2clicks   Why?   Make important resources available to students/colleagues instantly   Share/learn about resources   Insert into Course Management   Bookmarks available anywhere and in one place   Put in multiple locations easily   Example  

17 Wikis   What is a Wiki?   Software that makes it easy to create, edit, and remove webpages. Often used for collaborative projects and have archives of all the versions.   Why Wiki?   Collaborative projects   Course management   Easier than creating a website.   Uses   Class/Group projects   Research collaboration   Wiki Software   PBWiki   WOU Wiki   WetPaint   eXpresso   slideaware   Examples   Wikipedia   wikiHow

18 IM & Virtual Meetings   Why IM/Virtual Meeting?   Convenience   Quick/easy   Office hours   Software   AIM   Meebo   Skype   Twiddla   Example   WOU Library   What is IM?   Real time communication via text on the internet   What is a Virtual Meeting?   Real time communication on the internet with audio, video, chat, and/or resource sharing (ex. Powerpoint).

19 Other Emerging Technologies   Social Networking   Facebook   MySpace   P/Vod/Screencasting   Slideshare   Gabcast   Media Sharing   YouTube   Flickr   Gateways   PageFlakes   Only2Clicks   Social Citations   BibSonomy   CiteULike   Virtual Worlds   Second Life   Firefox Add-ons

20 Tips/Tricks   It is overwhelming   Don’t need one of everything   Think about needs – then determine technology   If you need help – ASK!   Think creatively (wiki as a calendar)   You don’t need to know how to use it to let your students use it   Learn basics of html and css

21 Sources  What is Web 2.0? – Tim O’Reilly What is Web 2.0? What is Web 2.0?  Web Trend Map 2008 Beta – Information Architects Web Trend Map 2008 Beta Web Trend Map 2008 Beta  List of Social Software - Wikipedia List of Social Software List of Social Software  Introduction to Blogging – WordPress Introduction to Blogging Introduction to Blogging  Weblog Software – Wikipedia Weblog Software Weblog Software  List of Feed Aggregators – Wikipedia List of Feed Aggregators List of Feed Aggregators  14 “Other” Ways to Use RSS Feeds – 14 “Other” Ways to Use RSS Feeds 14 “Other” Ways to Use RSS Feeds  10 Smart Hacks for Google Reader – Lifehack 10 Smart Hacks for Google Reader 10 Smart Hacks for Google Reader  What is a Wiki? (And how to use one for your projects) – O’Reilly Network What is a Wiki? (And how to use one for your projects) What is a Wiki? (And how to use one for your projects)  Wiki - Wikipedia Wiki  List of Wikis – Wikipedia List of Wikis List of Wikis  Social Bookmarking – Wikipedia Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking  List of Social Bookmarking Sites – WIkipedia List of Social Bookmarking Sites List of Social Bookmarking Sites  Software for Virtual Teams – ReadWriteWeb Software for Virtual Teams Software for Virtual Teams  Instant Messaging - Wikipedia Instant Messaging Instant Messaging  7 Things You Should Know About – Educause 7 Things You Should Know About 7 Things You Should Know About  Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking  Wikis Wikis  RSS RSS  Blogs Blogs  Virtual Meetings Virtual Meetings Virtual Meetings  IM IM  Getting Caught Up With – Camila Gabaldon Getting Caught Up With Getting Caught Up With

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