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Cell Specialization Each cell is genetically customized to do its unique job in the body.

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2 Cell Specialization Each cell is genetically customized to do its unique job in the body.

3 Tissues Are Made of Specialized Cells

4 Comparing Different Types of Cells in Tissue What do you notice about the shape of the individual cells in these tissues?

5 Nerve Cells Nerve cells have long, invisibly thin fibers that carry electrical impulses throughout the body. DendritesDendrites receive information from another cell and transmit the message to the cell body. The cell body contains the nucleus, mitochondria and other organelles typical of eukaryotic cells. The axon conducts messages away from the cell body.cell bodyaxon

6 Epithelial Cells Covers body surfaces and lines body cavities. Functions include lining, protecting, and forming glands. Some epithelial cells have the appearance of thin, flat plates that aid in protection Ciliated epithelium is usually found in the air passages like the nose. Movement of the cilia can cause materials like mucus to move

7 Blood Cells Red blood cells are shaped like lozenges so they can float easily through the bloodstream. They contain hemoglobin that attracts oxygen. White blood cells can attack, swallow, and digest an invader.

8 Muscle Cells Muscle tissues contain specialized cells that can contract. Specialized muscle cells are jam- packed with mitochondria to produce the extraordinary amount of ATP energy required for muscles like the heart to constantly pump.

9 Bone Cell ©Gopal Murti/Phototake, Epithelial Cell ©ISM/ Phototake, Neuron ©Dr. David Scott/Phototake, Liver Cells ©Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake, Paramecium and Muscle Cells ©Dennis Kunkel/Phototake. Each of these cells have different shapes or structures and because of that, different functions Can you infer the function of any of these cell?

10 Match each of these cells and their structure to a function: ABC This cell can send out messages through extensions to other cells This cell can swim easily with the help of tiny hair-like structures This cell can group with similar cells to form a thin, flat barrier

11 10 Plant Cells Specialize too… Onion Epidermal Cells Root Hair Cell root hair Guard Cells Can you infer the specialized functions of these cells?

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