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Precautionary Principle– Use in EU Chemicals Legislation Bjorn Hansen Head of Unit: Chemicals European Commission, DG Environment Precaution and Innovation,

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Presentation on theme: "Precautionary Principle– Use in EU Chemicals Legislation Bjorn Hansen Head of Unit: Chemicals European Commission, DG Environment Precaution and Innovation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Precautionary Principle– Use in EU Chemicals Legislation Bjorn Hansen Head of Unit: Chemicals European Commission, DG Environment Precaution and Innovation, 22-06-2015

2 Outline 1. Caution and Precaution in EU Legislation 2. Precautionary Principle in EU Legislation 3. 7 th EAP and Innovation 4. Predictability 5. Conclusions

3 1. Caution and Precaution in EU Chemicals Legislation Caution: The scientific assessment of a chemical should entail a sensible dose of (critical) caution when analysing the data.

4 1. Caution and Precaution in EU Chemicals Legislation Precaution: A precautionary approach is applied in much of the EUs chemicals legislation Example: Generic risk approaches - Chemicals and mixtures are labelled based on hazards and generic risk considerations to make users better aware (blindfolded at 1cm or 1km)

5 1. Caution and Precaution in EU Chemicals Legislation Precaution: - CMRs cat 1 are banned for consumer use, as such or in mixtures up to a low concentration limit (500.000.000 consumers in EU, consumer products often not essential, CMRs consequences large). - Cut-offs in legislation. Biocides, PPPs, REACH

6 1. Caution and Precaution in EU Chemicals Legislation Precaution: - conservative assessment factors are applied to extrapolate from limited database to humans and the environment

7 2. Precautionary Principle in EU Chemicals Legislation Precautionary Principle: - In the Treaties (one of three environment principles, alongside polluter pays and pollution at source) - Authorisation Systems are systematic applications of the precautionary principle (e.g. Biocides, PPP and REACH)

8 2. Precautionary Principle in EU Chemicals Legislation Precautionary Principle: - Cases from Regulation 793/93 (now repealed): 1. PentaBDPE(resulted in ban) 2. OctaBDPE(resulted in ban) 3. DecaBDPE(resulted in test) 4. Bisphenol-A(resulted in test) 5. Some phthalates(resulted in restriction)

9 2. Precautionary Principle in EU Chemicals Legislation Precautionary Principle: - Under REACH is can be applied 1. identify uncertainties in risk assessment 2. assess consequences in risk management in risk management parts 3. assess socio-economic consequences of scenarios

10 2. Precautionary Principle in EU Chemicals Industry Precautionary Principle: - Chemicals industry uses the precautionary principle very often in making their routine business decisions

11 3. The EU's 7 th EAP - Chemicals The EU needs to deliver on: - cyclical economy - resource efficiency - non-toxic product cycles which put additional (or confirms existing) demands on our Chemicals Policy

12 3. The EU's 7 th EAP - Chemicals The 7th EAP sets out to meet these challenges through the development of: EU strategy for a non-toxic environment, supported by chemical knowledgebases based on fact that predictability and knowledge support innovation

13 Keep Innovating (in Transparent Chemicals World): - Move from having information to accumulating knowledge (the ability to use information) - Chemical Companies become Chemical Knowledge Companies - Access and storage of information becomes a public good Need EU Chemicals (Exposure and Toxicity) Knowledgebase! 3. The EU's 7 th EAP - Chemicals

14 2018: Develop an EU Strategy for a non-toxic environment, that is conducive to innovation and the development of sustainable substitutes including non-chemical solutions (building on the 2015 work)

15 Predictability has several facets: -- Regulation -- Industry Performance -- Scientific Opinion(s) -- Public Opinion 4. Predictability

16 5. Conclusions - Precautionary Principle is well integrated in EU Chemicals Legislation - Experience in application exists - Better chemicals management needs better knowledge, more predictability, and the precautionary principle

17 Thank you for your attention Bjorn Hansen, Head of Unit, Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission, Brussels

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