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Netbeans 5.5 version control: cvs, svn configuration for AUV Workbench & various X3D, XMSF projects Don Brutzman 1 December 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Netbeans 5.5 version control: cvs, svn configuration for AUV Workbench & various X3D, XMSF projects Don Brutzman 1 December 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Netbeans 5.5 version control: cvs, svn configuration for AUV Workbench & various X3D, XMSF projects Don Brutzman 1 December 2007

2 Netbeans setup 1 Install latest Java 1.6, Netbeans 5.5 –Bundled version works well – or –http://www.netbeans.org Further Java setup checks –Ensure no other versions of Java or Netbeans installed –Ensure JAVA_HOME properly set –Netbeans Tools -> Update Center for updates –

3 Netbeans setup 2 Netbeans – Tools – Update Center Update all modules for latest greatest

4 Netbeans cvs project setup 3 Enable updated version control Don’t enable old versioning VCS

5 Netbeans cvs project setup 4 Suggested target locations –C:\auv\AuvWorkbenchC:\auv\AuvWorkbench –C:\CvsProjects\DisJavaProjectC:\CvsProjects\DisJavaProject –C:\CvsProjects\DisXmlProjectC:\CvsProjects\DisXmlProject –C:\CvsProjects\SavageStudioProjectC:\CvsProjects\SavageStudioProject –C:\CvsProjects\ViskitProjectC:\CvsProjects\ViskitProject –C:\CvsProjects\XsbcProjectC:\CvsProjects\XsbcProject CVS module names  AuvWorkbench AuvWorkbench  disjava disjava  disxml disxml  SavageStudio SavageStudio  Viskit+Diskit Viskit+Diskit  xsbc xsbc Create meaningful target directories –Having common parent directory is helpful Select or enter module name –during initial CVS checkout

6 Netbeans cvs project setup 5 Basic setup procedure simpler than 4.0 –No more ‘Versioning’ panel to fool with Simple two-part process –Check out via cvs –Click to Create Project Avoid importing 4.1 settings, they may fail Follow-on directions show type-in values blocked out in red –Other values are usually found automatically

7 Netbeans cvs project setup 6 Server-side authentication keys must be cached prior to initial cvs checkout Use the PuTTy tool to secure-shell (ssh) into the cvs server –Example: Log in using checkout account name Screen snapshots follow

8 Subversion -> checkout

9 Checking out X3D example archives (Basic, ConformanceNist, Vrml2.0Sourcebook, X3dForWebAuthors) from Sourceforge ==[IDE]== Aug 31, 2006 2:51:31 PM Checking out... co -r HEAD C:\\x3d\content\examples\examples --username brutzman --password ******* --non-interactive --config-dir C:\Documents and Settings\brutzman\.netbeans\5.5beta2\config\svn\config

10 Command line use of svn $ export SVN_EDITOR=notepad $ svn delete ects/Chess8Levels.x3d.'$$$' Error validating server certificate for '': - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually! Certificate information: - Hostname: * - Valid: from Dec 8 13:40:07 2005 GMT until Feb 7 13:40:07 2007 GMT - Issuer: Equifax Secure Certificate Authority, Equifax, US - Fingerprint: 49:b8:cb:87:04:8c:49:39:45:83:dd:4c:cf:c7:54:57:b0:9e:84:5d (R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p Authentication realm: SourceForge Subversion area Password for 'brutzman': ************** Committed revision 20.

11 PuTTY ssh initialization of cvs key 1 2 3 4 Necessary step for software developers prior to cvs checkout

12 PuTTY ssh initialization of svn key 1 2 3 4 Necessary step for software developers prior to subversion checkout for XMSF

13 PuTTY ssh initialization of svn key 1 2 3 4 Necessary step for software developers prior to subversion checkout for X3D

14 Internal netbeans acceptance of subversion key

15 Additional developers setup1 Developers making and committing source changes into one of the cvs archives need to first install putty tools, then get account Putty security tools: – Requesting a developer account: –Don McGregor (xmsf) –Arnie Buss (Simkit)

16 Additional developers setup2 wincvs is separate alternative, usually not needed –

17 Configure Netbeans defaults to support greater memory C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.0\etc Edit file netbeans.conf –netbeans_default_options="-J-Xms32m -J-Xmx128m (etc.) changed to –netbeans_default_options="-J-Xms32m -J-Xmx1024m

18 New Netbeans 5.0 cvs features Top-level CVS menu Can update all projects at once Can show CVS committers by name and versions by number in text editor Features presentation:

19 Note committer names, line by line


21 Further resources Tutorial by Arnie Buss on Netbeans use provides further background and details Don McGregor's slideset guides to Concurrent Version System (CVS), Concurrent Version System (CVS) Using CVS with SSH TunnelsUsing CVS with SSH Tunnels and Ant available onlineAnt XMSF Bugtracker

22 cvs checkout + project setup  AuvWorkbenchAuvWorkbench  disjavadisjava  disxmldisxml  SavageStudioSavageStudio  Viskit+DiskitViskit+Diskit  xsbcxsbc  configuration troubleshootingconfiguration troubleshooting

23 AuvWorkbench project project index

24 CVS Root: Be sure to enter ext: (rather than default pserver:)

25 Module to checkout: AuvWorkbench Local folder: c:\auv

26 Create a new netbeans project

27 Location: c:\auv\AuvWorkbench

28 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml

29 Source package folder: C:\auv\AuvWorkbench\src

30 Java sources classpath: c:\auv\AuvWorkbench\launchwb.jar

31 dis-java project project index Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol

32 CVS Root: :ext: anonymous

33 Module to checkout: disjava Local folder: C:\CvsProjects\DisJavaProject


35 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml


37 dis-xml project project index Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol

38 CVS Root:

39 Module to checkout: disxml Local folder: C:\CvsProjects\DisXmlProject


41 Location: C:\CvsProjects\DisXmlProject\disxml Project Name: disxml

42 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml


44 SavageStudio project project index Savage X3D scenario authoring tool

45 CVS Root:

46 Module: SavageStudio Local Folder: C:\CvsProjects\SavageStudioProject


48 Location: C:\CvsProjects\SavageStudioProject\SavageStudio

49 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml

50 Source package folders

51 Savage and SavageDefense X3D Model Archives Savage is an open distribution SavageDefense is under controlled access, For Official Use Only (FOUO) project index

52 ssh to to accept key

53 ssh to to accept key

54 SVN Root:…

55 Modules: DISKIT,Viskit Local Folder: C:\CvsProjects\ViskitProject


57 ...

58 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml



61 Simkit/Viskit/Diskit/Gridkit Discrete-event simulation (DES) project index

62 ssh to to accept key

63 CVS Root:

64 Modules: DISKIT,Viskit Local Folder: C:\CvsProjects\ViskitProject


66 Note that only Viskit needs to be built. Diskit is updated & rebuilt automatically.

67 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml



70 x3d project Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics Examples, Tools project index

71 Subversion Root:

72 Module to checkout: xsbc Local folder: C:\CvsProjects\XsbcProject


74 Location: C:\CvsProjects\XsbcProject\xsbc

75 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml

76 xsbc project XML Schema-based Binary Compression project index

77 CVS Root:

78 Module to checkout: xsbc Local folder: C:\CvsProjects\XsbcProject


80 Location: C:\CvsProjects\XsbcProject\xsbc

81 Build and Run Actions are found automatically from build.xml

82 Configuration Troubleshooting project index

83 Setting main project preference Main project selection governs assignment of toolbar buttons at top Select Projects tab Right-click desired main project Set main project preference Build

84 cvs update problem: use external shell SSH command: c:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe

85 CVS update problem: can’t reset “sticky bits” Repeat cvs update, check Reset box check this box to reset

86 Not yet ready…

87 TOPTIVA C:\CvsProjects\ToptivaProject project index

88 CVS archive on surfaris Need ssh script to connect Site may change due to server reconfigurations

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