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Electric Power. Answer Me!!! How is the brightness of a light bulb measured? What do you think is the significance of this?

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Presentation on theme: "Electric Power. Answer Me!!! How is the brightness of a light bulb measured? What do you think is the significance of this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electric Power

2 Answer Me!!! How is the brightness of a light bulb measured? What do you think is the significance of this?

3 Electric Power Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is expended. Electrical Power is the rate at which electrical energy is expended.

4 Electrical Power Electric power is the product of electric current and potential difference P = V·I Power is still measured in Watts:

5 Electrical Power and Ohm’s Law

6 Electrical Energy Since work is define by: Electrical energy is measured in Joules. Energy is a scalar quantity.

7 Practice Problem 1 A microwave oven operating at 120 V is used to heat a hot dog. If the oven draws 12.5 A of current for 45 seconds, what is the power dissipated by the oven?

8 Practice Problem 2 If the potential drop across an operating 300 W floodlight is 120 V, what is the current through the floodlight?

9 Practice Problem 3 A potential drop of 50 V is measured across a 250 ohm resistor. What is the power developed in the resistor?

10 Practice Problem 4 As the potential difference across a given resistor is increased, the power expended in moving the charge through the resistor will _____________.

11 Practice Problem 5 A toaster dissipates 1500 W of power in 90 seconds. What is the amount of electric energy used by the toaster?

12 Practice Problem 6 An electric iron operating at 120 V draws 10 A of current. How much heat energy is delivered by the iron in 30 seconds?

13 Practice Problem 7 An electric dryer consumes 6.0 x 10 6 J of energy when operating at 220 V for 30 minutes. During operation, the dryer draws how much current?

14 Practice Problem 8 An operating electric heater draws a current of 10 A and has a resistance of 12 ohms. How much energy does the heater use in 60 seconds?

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