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Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. Adult Education Methodology.

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Presentation on theme: "Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. Adult Education Methodology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. Adult Education Methodology. The Nordic Model Jan René Westh, Consultant, LOF, Denmark Keywords Free and voluntary studies. Interaction between the participants. Equality among the participants. Co-operation. Active involvement. Dialogue.

2 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. 1.The law on non-formal adult education (Denmark) Two objectives: To set the financial framework for the non-formal adult education. To provide settings for the non-formal adult education. There is nothing in the law as to teacher qualifications, curricula, teaching materials, choice of subjects or pedagogical methods.

3 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. 2.The objective of non-formal adult education To promote understanding of democracy and active citizenship. To increase the individual’s general and academic insight and skills. To enhance the individual’s ability and desire to take responsibility for her/his own life as well as taking an active and engaged part in society.

4 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. 3.Liberties in non-formal adult education Non-formal adult education comprises teaching, lectures, study circles, debate- creating activities, and flexibly organized activities (e.g. workshops) organized by non-formal adult education associations. The people itself decides what to learn, not the politicians in parliament or in the city hall. Non-formal adult education is open to all participants.

5 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. Choice of subjects: It is for the non-formal adult education association itself to decide. However, the objective of the subjects is not to be agitation/ propaganda, election campaigns, treatment/therapy, preaching, game (e.g. cards), sports, dancing, production of intoxicants. Teachers: No formal requirements are demanded to teach in the non-formal education system. Teachers might be auto-didactic. Engagement and dismissal of teachers is for the non-formal adult education association to decide. Teachers are engaged on a part-time basis for the duration of a course.

6 Women and the Labour Market in Belarus. Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives. Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 30th March 2015. Curricula: Are decided by the teacher and the participants. Books, materials: No formal requirements are demanded. It is for the teacher and the learners to decide. Length of lectures, number of participants, participants’ pay: Are for the non- formal adult education association to decide.

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