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WELCOME TO Multivariable Calculus 2015-2016. T. ERICSON Conference – 1st period

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1 WELCOME TO Multivariable Calculus 2015-2016

2 T. ERICSON Conference – 1st period

3 SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR CLASS  TI 89 or comparable Calculator  Binder for Notes and Examples  Pencil/Paper  PDF Version of Textbook  CD Version of Textbook

4 Notes  Print out your own copy of the notes for each chapter.  Refer to my blog: to view class calendar. Bring notes to class so we can discuss material, work example problems, etc.

5 CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR  Any behavior that prevents me from teaching you or keeps your fellow students from learning is unacceptable and will be dealt with on an individual basis.  Be ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings and please look at the agenda that will be posted daily.  Proper care and respect for classroom and laboratory facilities will be expected.  Water bottles only allowed in classroom (no food or other drinks please!)

6 GRADES Average will be determined by  50% Daily Grades – examples of daily grades include computer labs, quizzes, and homework (will explain HW grade on next slide). I will have a minimum of 11 daily grades per nine weeks, but I usually have more.  50% Major Grades – the majority of major grades will be tests. We usually have 3 or 4 tests per nine week grading period.  Semester Average- 1 st (or 3 rd ) nine weeks grade = 42.5%, 2 nd (or 4 th ) nine weeks grade = 42.5%, Sem exam = 15% Sem exam = 15%

7 HW GRADE  You will have one HW grade each nine weeks which will count as a daily grade.  I will stamp your calender every day and at the end of the nine weeks collect it for one daily grade.  Homework stamps are awarded based on completion.  ¾ or more of assignment completed = One stamp  Less than ¾ of assignment completed = ½ stamp  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with me when you return to see if I did a HW check for your class period. If you do not – no points awarded if HW check is missed and not made up.  Computer Labs will be done using Sage. If you want to get a head start check out

8 ABSENCES, MAKE-UP WORK  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get on your computer and check to determine what you missed and to complete any work that is due.  Late work receives a penalty of 30% for one day late and no credit if late by more than one day.

9 Absences, Make-up Work (cont)  If you are absent on a test day or before a test day, you can take the same test within one day as scheduled with me. If this is not possible, you must arrange with me a mutual time for taking a make-up test.

10 Tardies  Be on time to class!!!!!  You will be written up if you have 3 tardies in a nine week grading period !!!

11 ABOUT ME  I have taught for a total of 26 years at Clements. This is my 7 th year teaching AP Calculus.  I am married to Mrs. Ericson (who teaches AP Chemistry) and we have 4 children – ranging in age from 13 to 20. I also coach Clement’s Men’s soccer team. (2014 State Champs!)

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