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Anne-Charlott Callerstig EU2020, Gender Equality and the European Social Fund Let´s Talk About the Gender Pay Gap, Tallinn, May 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne-Charlott Callerstig EU2020, Gender Equality and the European Social Fund Let´s Talk About the Gender Pay Gap, Tallinn, May 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne-Charlott Callerstig EU2020, Gender Equality and the European Social Fund Let´s Talk About the Gender Pay Gap, Tallinn, May 12, 2011

2 Why is a gender perspective necessary in the Structural Funds? Most European regions are still facing persistent gender inequalities which negatively affect their socio-economic development. As well as being a matter of social justice, the elimination of gender discrimination is also a matter of economic necessity. It is an important element of the EU 2020 Strategy, and essential for the European Union to sustain its prosperity. Gender equality in employment is a key element in generating strong growth and creating jobs.

3 A Gender perspective means not just any job, but a quality job…  Women have narrowed the education and experience gap but pay gap remains  Research points to institutional factors such as general wages structures and work-place characteristics rather than individual features  The growing over-representation of women in precarious jobs risks fuelling the pay gap

4 A holistic approach to pay policy When have we reached Equal Pay? Individual approachSystems and Structures Pay Gap*8%18% ProblemIndividual discrimination, individual features (education, experience etc) Structural discrimination Structural features (Work- environment, general wage structure, job and work place characteristics) SolutionSupply side approach – targeting individual features and individual rights Demand side approach - targeting systems and structures ResultDe jure (formal) Gender Equality De facto (substantial) Gender Equality *Swedish national statistics 2010

5 Gender Mainstreaming approach to Gender Pay Gap Gender Mainstreaming approach helps to interrogate apparently gender-neutral policies and practices Gender Mainstreaming concerns all policies, structures and people Gender Mainstreaming raises awareness among policy actors

6 Gender mainstreaming is about learning and change - a process that needs strong active steering and support Gender mainstreaming needs; Knowledge and know-how Specific budget resources Active ownership and dedicated practitioners Steering and Monitoring Evaluation and feedback (Mary Braithwaite,Mieke Verloo, Sylvia Walby, Judith Squires, Joan Acker, Kristina Lindholm et al)

7 Evidence from research and evaluations of ESF Many interesting initiatives and approaches in MS but… ….there is no coherence in how GM is being implemented The implementation gap is substantial - importance of GM is recognized in theory but not always in practice and many objectives are still seen as gender-neutral The “red thread” from policy to results and evaluation is missing and… ….there is a lack of mechanisms ensuring sustainability, in many cases no permanent structures to implement GM have been developed Many member states implement the strategy mainly on the final stage of the ESF process – on project level, in ERDF importance is often recognized only in theory The priority put on GM by the Commission is a key factor on how it will be implemented by the MS

8 A holistic approach is necessary – ensuring a red thread in policy and implementation so that gender is not “lost in translation” Strategy Procedure Content Capacity building

9 The European Gender Mainstreaming Community of Practice (GenderCoP) -Overarching goal An ESF standard/minimum approach on how to implement a gender perspective in all phases of ESF Management A Training and Capacity Building Program … i.e. Gender Mainstreaming must be an integral part of future ESF management/cycles – from planning, programming, implementing to monitoring and evaluation

10 Members of the Gender-CoP ESF Management Authorities Sweden (Lead Member State), Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Belgium (French speaking Community), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Province of Bolzano (Italy), Poland and Spain Intermediary bodies Agency for Gender Equality in the ESF (Germany), Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (Portugal), National Women´s Institute (Spain), ISFOL (Italy)

11 Contact information Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Content Expert Email: Tel: +46 (0)731-42 22 31 Renate Wielpütz, Agency for Gender Equality in the ESF, Germany Email: Tel: + 49/30/617970-13 Bengt Nilsson, Project Manager Email: Tel: +46 (0)8-442 46 48 Cell: +46 (0)703-79 42 09

12 Thank you for your attention! Find out more on

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