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Forensic Engineering Jake Vogel. What is Forensic Engineering The investigation of materials products or structures that fail or do not operate/function.

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Presentation on theme: "Forensic Engineering Jake Vogel. What is Forensic Engineering The investigation of materials products or structures that fail or do not operate/function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forensic Engineering Jake Vogel

2 What is Forensic Engineering The investigation of materials products or structures that fail or do not operate/function as intended. Much more common in civil cases than criminal cases. The purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate the cause or causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component

3 Where are Forensic Engineers Used? Most engineering disasters (building collapses, out of design anomalies) are subject to forensic investigation by engineers experienced in forensic methods of investigation. Train derailments, aircraft crashes and some automobile accidents are investigated by forensic engineers Consumer products, medical devices, structures, industrial machinery, and even basic tools can warrant investigations upon incidents causing injury or property damages. Insurance companies use forensic engineers to prove liability or non liability

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