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1 Update from ERCOT Retail Market Services to RMS September 26, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Update from ERCOT Retail Market Services to RMS September 26, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Update from ERCOT Retail Market Services to RMS September 26, 2003

2 2 Retail Market Update Topics Data Variance / Data Archive FasTrak D2D / DEV Update Pre-TX SET 1.5 Clean up Progress Report SCR 727 Training Announcement Recent Data Loading Improvements V1.6 Coordination Team Update Texas Market Link (PRP Phase 1) Update Move-In /Move-Out Market Solution to Stacking (V2.0) Customer Protection Period & 814.08 Issue Flight 0703 Completion Flight 1003 Status Report

3 3 SCR 727 Extract Update

4 4 Proposed Timeline for Extract, Variances, True-Ups Extracts 10/1/03 Clear all “old” extracts from Portal 9/26/03 Post last “old” daily extract 10/6/03 “New” extracts available 10/7/03 “New” daily extracts 10/1/03 Stop “old” variance process 2/7/04 Begin True-Up runs for 2003 10/10/03 Complete existing variances w/ answers; Close remaining 12/7/03 Deadline to file variances for 1/1/03 True-Up Variances Settlements 10/1/03 Resettlement of 2003 dates beginning with selected June dates 10/13/03 Begin filing new variances; Change prioritization on variance work

5 5 Proposed Timeline LSE Variances LSE Variances Submit Variance at least 60 days prior to scheduled resettlement ERCOT initial validation and analysis completed ERCOT: Takes corrective action and/or Performs Turnaround with MPs Responds to submitter TDSP/CR Initial Response 10 Business Days 60 Calendar Days 14 Business Days Issues to Consider: It is possible that the initial response from the TDSP/CR requires a turnaround to the initiator of the issue. Settlement takes place

6 6 Proposed Timeline NIDR Usage Variances NIDR Usage Variances Submit Variance at least 60 days prior to scheduled resettlement TDSP validation and analysis completed; Response provided to submitting party TDSP to send transactions if necessary 45 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 15 Calendar Days Settlement takes place Issues to Consider: Depending on the resolution of the variance, the TDSP may have to submit transactions. ERCOT will work with TDSP to resolve any transaction issues to fix variances

7 7 Proposed Timeline IDR Usage Variances Submit Variance at least 60 days prior to scheduled resettlement TDSP validation and analysis completed; Response provided to submitting party IDR Usage Variances TDSP to send transactions if necessary 45 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 15 Calendar Days Settlement takes place Issues to Consider: Depending on the resolution of the variance, the TDSP may have to submit transactions. ERCOT will work with TDSP to resolve any transaction issues to fix variances

8 8 Proposed Timeline Service History ESI ID Characteristics Variances Submit Variance at least 60 days prior to scheduled resettlement TDSP validation and analysis completed; Response provided to submitting party ESI ID Characteristics TDSP to send transactions if necessary 45 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 15 Calendar Days Settlement takes place Issues to Consider: Depending on the resolution of the variance, the TDSP may have to submit transactions. ERCOT will work with TDSP to resolve any transaction issues to fix variances Submit Variance at least 60 days prior to scheduled resettlement ERCOT validation and analysis completed TDSP to send transactions if necessary 10 Calendar Days15 Calendar Days Settlement takes place ESI ID Existence

9 9 ERCOT Proposed Changes Require 60 Calendar Days for complete resolution to all issues Prioritization –Work Issues according to submission date –Issues should be submitted in chronological order for True-Up Settlements Allow usage variances only if the variance involves an ADU change of at least ?? kWh

10 10 FasTrak Issue Status Day-to-Day Data Extract Variances (DEV)

11 11 FasTrak 2003 “Day to Day” Issue Stats (as of 09-23-2003) Of the 321 In Progress with ERCOT, 166 are resolved and awaiting other party resolution check off Total ESI IDs worked to date since January 1, 2003 = 227,818 Of the 1,771 New and In Progress with Non- ERCOT, 24 are for the year 2002 Number of ESI IDs not tracked

12 12 FasTrak Data Extract Variance Issue Stats (as of 09-23-2003)

13 13 Pre TX Set 1.5 Data Clean Up Directive from RMS 07-17-03 Meeting Pre TX SET 1.5 Status Report Ongoing Transaction Clean-up Process

14 14 Pre-TX Set 1.5 Data Cleanup Background: ERCOT identified “In Review”, “Scheduled” and “Canceled with Exception with Meter Reads” that were not completed from early 2002 to April 11, 2003. RMS Vote, July 17 th, 2003: Recommend RMS direct ERCOT to completely clean-up by August 13 th, 2003 the Pre-Tx Set 1.5 In Review, Scheduled and Cancel With Exception that have been identified and sent to the market participants which should include cancels with CR approvals. ERCOT will provide at August RMS full statistics involving market participants broken down per issue type. ERCOT is directed that if the TDSP provides file names, ERCOT will locate and re-process if it is a valid transaction. RMS directs the TDSPs and CRs to provide transactions or information necessary to achieve the completion of the data clean-up.

15 15 Pre-TX Set 1.5 Data Cleanup

16 16 Ongoing Transaction Data Clean-up Clean-up Process Steps: a) ERCOT runs the query monthly and defines the Action Items needed (The first run will have a few months data). –In-Review with Meter Read: Notify TDSP and request 814_04 then completing transaction. –Scheduled with Meter read but not associated to BPI: Notify TDSP and request completing transaction. –Scheduled No Meter Read: Notify TDSP and request 867 completing transaction. –CWE with Meter Read: Notify TDSP and find out if they thought the transaction had completed. If so – take corrective action. b) ERCOT distributes the lists to MP who owe the follow-up action. c) MP Responds and ERCOT coordinates the clean-up activities. d) ERCOT to report Monthly to RMS.

17 17 SCR 727 Training Announcement September 29-30, 2003

18 18 SCR 727 Training 9/29-9/30 WHAT is the SCR 727 Training? Overview of the 727 Process: Understanding ERCOT data flow Loading the SCR 727 DDL Understanding the data within the extract Logging Data Extract Variance (DEV) issues using the FasTrak tool ERCOT’s policies and procedures for working DEV issues

19 19 SCR 727 Training 9/29-9/30 WHO is the Intended Audience? The SCR 727 Training was developed for: CRs, TDSPs, and NOIEs utilizing or planning to utilize the SCR 727 Extract Both technical and business individuals who are or will be working with the 727 data for your entity 100 RSVPs from 23 CRs, 6 TDSPs, 2 Service Providers and ERCOT

20 20 SCR 727 Training 9/29-9/30 WHEN is the SCR 727 Training? A two-day SCR 727 Training will be held: Monday, September 29, 2003 10am – 5pm Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:30am- 5pm Williamson County Convention Center Wingate Hotel - Round Rock (Note: Location Change)

21 21 Data Loading Improvements PR-30125 Update

22 22 PR-30125 Data Loading Improvements August 6, 2003 Implementation: –Positive response to MRE for both IDR & NIDR usage –Error response for IDR data submitted that is not for whole days (must start at 00:00:00 and end at 23:59:59) –Error response for IDR data submitted for any ERCOT-read meter –Error response for extreme usage (Average Daily Usage > 49,998 kWh) –Error response for NIDR data that covers more than 6 months

23 23 PR-30125 Data Loading Improvements September 3, 2003 Implementation: –Allow usage to span multiple service history rows except in three cases: MRE change Profile change Rep change –Error response provided when IDR data is submitted but not channel/recorder set up for the ESI ID.

24 24 PR-30125 Data Loading Improvements September 17, 2003 Implementation: –Response files provided to CRs for usage loading into Lodestar (provided to CR indicated in the forwarding DUNS field of the 867_03) –Allow duplicate Transaction IDs for IDR data sent via 867_03s

25 25 PR-30125 Data Loading Improvements Upcoming implementations (November): –814_20 processing improvements to allow 814_20 changes to load regardless of whether it coincides with usage except for certain changes: MRE changes Profile code changes REP changes –814_20 retire will reject unless the account is de- energized in both Siebel & Lodestar

26 26 Update to RMS Presented by Dave Odle Texas Set V.1.6 Implementation Update

27 27 Background Information TX SET Version1.6 Implementation of functionality to support automated portions of Competitive Meter Ownership Define and set expectations on identified manual processes for Competitive Meter Ownership Clarifications on payment and remittance processes as defined by the 810/820 workshop

28 28 CC 427 – Meter level segments NOT USED for unmetered services CC 458 – REF~1P NOT USED by the CR on the 814_13 CC 462 - One to One suspension and cancellation of delivery services CC 469 - Reject Code “FRB” to be used by all MPs (Not just MCTDSPs) CC 511 - Removal of special characters from PER.04 & PER.06 CC 512 – Meter Ownership credit on the invoice CC 513 – New segment to maintain ESI ID showing meter ownership CC 533 – Dependency DTM~MRR, “DC003” code, & BGN.08 on the 650_02 CC 552 – Clarification of CC 513 on when it is used Manual – Competitive meter manual processes Texas Set V1.6 Functional Requirements Background on Requirements

29 29 Background - Categories for Version 1.6 CC 427 CC 458 CC 462 CC 469 CC 511 CC 512 CC 513 CC 533 CC 552 Group 1 Functional Changes Group 2 Implementation Guide Changes Have been delivered by COMET Group 3 Manual Processes identified by the COMET working group Rules clarified in the 810/820 Workshop. This is not new functionality, But may be included in Flight 1003 Group 4 810/820 rules CC 386 CC 442 CC 445 CC 451 CC 452 CC 455 CC 459 CC 461 CC 467 CC 469 CC 470 CC 472 CC 473 CC 474 CC 496 CC 500 CC 501 CC 506 CC 510 CC 511 CC 514 CC 515 CC 476 CC 481 CC 482 CC 486 CC 487 CC 488

30 30 Implementation Plan Flight Testing to begin 10/13/03 V1.6 Must be implemented by all MPs by 12/20/03

31 31 Project Timeline for Texas Set 1.6 6/107/148/159/1210/10 Planning Detail Design Construction System Test Market Test 12/20/03 **Contingency Migration date is 1/3/04

32 32 Current Market Status ESG ACN Energy, Ampro Energy, Andeler, ANP Power Direct, BP Energy, Cirro Group, Coral Power, Solutions, Coral Power LLC, Dynegy, Exelon Power Team, Exxon Mobile Power & Gas, mPower, Strategic, Sempra Energy Solutions, Tara Energy, Tractebel Energy Marketing, UBS Warburg, NUECES (MC TDSP), SAN Patricio (MC TDSP) ADS Republic, Calpine, Entergy Solutions, GEXA, Entergy Gulf States Systrends APS Energy Services, Occidental Power Marketing, Tenaska Power Services, Texas Commercial Energy TDSPS: PEC IOU TDSP, PEC Muni Coop, Sharyland Utilities EC Power AEP Energy Services, Just Energy, Utility Choice Electric, Creed Power Services, VarTec Energy, Energy America Multi-family, Mutual Energy, Hino, Proviron Energy Limited, Alliance Energy, Direct Energy Logica AEP TDSP

33 33 ERCOT Portal Replacement Project Update to RMS Presented by Dave Odle

34 34 Phase 1 will address stability and reliability issues associated with the performance of the current ERCOT portal along with some "look and feel" changes to the portal. Phase 1 will also include a new "My Page" functionality that allows market participants to create a customized page on the Texas Market Link consisting of links to their most frequently used functions. While delivering a new look to the ERCOT portal along with improved navigation and performance, existing portal users are expected to make a seamless migration to the Texas Market Link. This phase of the Texas Market Link project is scheduled to be released to production on Sunday, October 5th, 2003. Overview Phase 1 Scope

35 35 Overview Example of Current Portal Page Content / Portlets Header Navigation

36 36 Overview Example of New Portal Page Navigation Header Content / Portlets

37 37 A two week testing period with Market Participant volunteers for phase 1 has just concluded. The purpose of this testing was to test the changes as well as ensure that current functionality is operational. ERCOT Client Services (Wholesale and Retail combined) will be hosting two orientation sessions via web-cast conference calls. –Tuesday, September 30 th. –Wednesday October 1 st. Contact your Retail Account Manager if you need the call in information. Overview Phase 1 Scope

38 38 Phase 2 Update Phase 2 is on schedule with requirements gathering and initial design –The on-site requirements gathering sessions have concluded –ERCOT is in the process of consolidating requirements, building cost estimates, and solidifying timelines. –Next Steps: Market Meeting to be held on 10/2 for requirements solidification ERCOT business to have final requirements to I.T. by 11/1.

39 39 Flight 0703 Completion

40 40 Flight 0703 Completion Congrats – the Market completed AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Original deadline was 9/5, complete by 8/22.

41 41 Flight 1003 Status Report

42 42 Flight 1003 Status Report Number of testing participants: 61 Market Participant systems (total of 75 different DUNS that the market conducts business under) 4 NEW Competitive Retailers Progress: Connectivity – started on time 9/17 – due to complete by October 1 Frame 1 – due to start 10/13 A total of 3 frames for testing Flight scheduled to conclude – 12/05

43 43 Flight 1003 Status Report To support Competitive Metering testing: 1)ERCOT is working to get answers from last of TDSP where meter credit will be (account loop or rate loop). ERCOT will add the information in the expected results of the scripts 2)COMET guide / forms / contacts – work with COMET team to get information posted to the web for flight 3)ERCOT will host a conference call with the testers to walk through what is expected for the two Competitive Metering Scripts prior to Frame 1 transactions.

44 44 Questions ?

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