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Create a Genocide. Required Political power struggle-Think about the Weimar Republic, the Young Turks or the Tutsi/Hutu political struggle. Assimilation-Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Create a Genocide. Required Political power struggle-Think about the Weimar Republic, the Young Turks or the Tutsi/Hutu political struggle. Assimilation-Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create a Genocide

2 Required Political power struggle-Think about the Weimar Republic, the Young Turks or the Tutsi/Hutu political struggle. Assimilation-Identify a group that has a perceived refusal to accept the norms of the majority. Think Jews not assimilating into German society. Long term hatred Belief in cause justification ideology Propaganda Process Allowing Atrocities Outcome-How does your story end? Will it be total slaughter or justice? Pick 8 Denial- The “other” Nationalism- International response Following orders Perpetrator Victim Bystander Hero Laws: A series of laws designed to deny right. Character names that reference historic figures-The show Lost has a character name Locke and Rousseau. Both were philosophers writing about man in the state of nature. Hence Lost is a show about plane crash survivors trying to live without a set of laws. Your characters should reference historic figures. Connect to Other Genocide Preparation 123 Best

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