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Youth Matters Opportunity Cards Roger Langdon Connexions Card Unit 0114 259 4117 Department for Education and Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Matters Opportunity Cards Roger Langdon Connexions Card Unit 0114 259 4117 Department for Education and Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Matters Opportunity Cards Roger Langdon Connexions Card Unit 0114 259 4117 Department for Education and Skills

2 Opportunity Card the Opportunity Card proposals piloting & timing Connexions Card exclude the thinking behind the proposals exclude Opportunity Fund, IAG

3 Opportunity Card Connexions Card already delivers – Rewards, Discounts and Proof of Age Opportunity Card pilots Aim - Update on Youth Opportunity Card Opportunity Card proposals in Youth Matters Consultation process Opportunity Card pilots Expressions of Interest Connexions Card developments

4 Youth Matters is a Green Paper about improving life for teenagers engage more young people in positive activities and empower them to shape the services they receive encourage more young people to volunteer and become involved in their communities provide better information, advice & guidance to young people to help them make informed choices about their lives provide better and more personalised targeted support for each young person who has serious problems or gets into trouble

5 Youth Matters – Opportunity Card Proposals è Discounts on a range of activities - Things to do, Places to go è Have initial credit with top ups for disadvantaged è Enable top up by YPs, family, LA or others è Enable YPs to choose where/how to spend this è Provide Proof of Age è Sanctions for unacceptable behaviour è Build on existing provisions è Linked to rewarding/encouraging Volunteering è Links with Children’s Trusts and Schools

6 Consultation process closes on 4 November 2005 Youth Matters: Green Paper Youth matters: consultation response form Youth matters: partial regulatory impact assessment available to download from Respond online at Youth Matters – Consultation

7 To see if Opportunity Cards can be successful in encouraging YP participation in positive activities è Piloting process being developed now è Probably 6 to 10 pilots è Pilots may involve more than one Local Authority è Pilots will explore/test range of variables è Take forward Expressions of Interest after 4 November è Piloting from April 06 for minimum of 18 months Opportunity Card Pilots

8 Expression of Interest Expressions of Interest need to be sent to: and/or by 4 November 2005 Opportunity Card Pilots

9 Currently: Developing: Extending the age range to 13 to 19 (Y8 to Y13) Refocusing Rewards and Discounts Moving focus to supporting/rewarding volunteering Piloting the opportunity Card Connexions Card Developments è 650,000 Cardholders (16 to 19) è 72% earning points for attendance, or voluntary activity è PASS Accredited Proof of Age è 300,000 rewards been claimed è 1,240 Learning Centres è 6,000 outlets offering discounts

10 Green Paper – Proposals for action to improve life for teenagers Consultation Document with closing date of 4 November 2005 Opportunity Card concept will be piloted and LAs interested in being involved should express interest by the closing date The Connexions Card will develop to reflect the principles in the Green Paper and will pilot the Opportunity Card Contacts: Pilots: - Wendy Violentano 0114 259 3607 Roger Langdon 0114 259 4117 Youth Matters Green Paper: Christina Tudor 0114 259 1344 or Summary and Contacts

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