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Designing the MeKs Lynne Hall University of Sunderland, March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing the MeKs Lynne Hall University of Sunderland, March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing the MeKs Lynne Hall University of Sunderland, March 2008

2 In small groups Your MeK Stats Appearance Persona Name

3 Character Creation: Stats Using standard RPG approach Stats Physical Traits Strength Dexterity Constitution (Health) Mental Traits Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

4 Physical Traits Strength Weak / Normal / Strong / Very strong / Only strong sometimes Dexterity Clumsy / agile Swift turn of foot / lopes along Constitution (Health) Very healthy / Weak & sickly Tires easily

5 Mental Traits Intelligence Clever / bit of a dunce Sly / gullible Wisdom Sage / foolish Witty / not much conversation Charisma Attractive / Ugly / Grotesque Charming / Boring / Interesting / Creepy

6 MeK Appearance What do they look like? Why do they look like that? Any inspiration out there Using google to find images Taking images from non-web sources Using screen grabbers to record virtual images

7 Creating a look for your MeK Head Limbs Torso Clothes Possessions Putting it all together

8 Character Persona Your view of what the character might be like In small groups, create 4 aspects of the character’s life: Home What they do Where they sleep Inventory

9 Square 1 The character’s home life Where do they live What is their home like Who do they live with

10 Square 2 What does the character do What sports do they play What hobbies do they have What do they watch What games do they play What music do they listen to What sort of jobs do they have / roles do they play

11 Square 3 Where the character sleeps What does the “bedroom” look like What is in it What colour / decoration What do they sleep on? Is it tidy?

12 Square 4 The Character’s Inventory What does the MeK have with them How do they carry this What sort of objects and what for

13 ORIENT Names Spryte names: latin Cog names: ancient greek MeK names: swahili

14 Making a name for your MeK Name is representative of what your MeK is like Create your name in English Add the name in Swahili Spryte Examples Abbus Lustrum: Forest Father Tigris Acer: Fierce Tiger Erepo Cissus: Creeping Ivy Name your MeK based on some aspect of their character, appearance or persona Name typically an adjective and a noun

15 And now, you have Your MeK Name Mental / Physical Abilities: Stats Appearance: rough drawings / inspirational forms Personal Info: Persona BUT What plot / story are they involved in? What games does the user play with them?

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