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Who Wants to be a World History Millionaire? ($100 Round) Who Wants to be a World History Millionaire? ($100 Round) The Industrial Revolution.

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2 Who Wants to be a World History Millionaire? ($100 Round) Who Wants to be a World History Millionaire? ($100 Round) The Industrial Revolution

3 The most significant impact of the Agricultural Revolution in Europe was

4 A longer life B better health C a population explosion D a reduction in contagious disease

5 The most significant impact of the Agricultural Revolution in Europe was A B C a population explosion D

6 $100

7 How did the Agricultural Revolution impact the demography of Europe?

8 A It caused more people to migrate to cities B It caused the average family size to decline C It impacted extended families, but not nuclear families D It caused more people to move to rural areas

9 How did the Agricultural Revolution impact the demography of Europe? A It caused more people to migrate to cities B C D

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11 Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

12 A Holland B France C Germany D England

13 Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? A B C D England

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15 Which natural resources facilitated industrialization in Britain?

16 A Steel and copper B Coal and iron C Oil and coal D Bauxite and molybdenum

17 Which natural resources facilitated industrialization in Britain? A B Coal and iron C D

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19 They were the first major “revolution” of the transportation revolution

20 A Canals B Steam engines C Internal combustion engines D Diesel engines

21 They were the first major “revolution” of the transportation revolution A Canals B C D

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23 “Social mobility” in Britain during the Industrial Revolution refers to

24 A the transportation revolution B the fact that Britain was becoming more democratic C the fact that people could improve their economic standing D the abolition of titles of nobility

25 “Social mobility” in Britain during the Industrial Revolution refers to A B C the fact that people could improve their economic standing D

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27 The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 had which of the following social impacts?

28 A It reduced the demand for combed cotton B It encouraged the growth of free labor C It reduced the demand for slaves D It increased the demand for slaves

29 The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 had which of the following social impacts? A B C D it increased the demand for slaves

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31 The British tried to keep industrial technologies for themselves by

32 A banning the mass printing of blueprints B not allowing inventors to leave the country C refusing to allow companies to export their products D making it illegal to take industrial secrets out of the country

33 The British tried to keep industrial technologies for themselves by A B C D making it illegal to take industrial secrets out of the country

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35 Soon after 1815, the Industrial Revolution spread to

36 A Belgium B Japan C China D Russia

37 Soon after 1815, the Industrial Revolution spread to A Belgium B C D

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39 How did people in the U.S. begin to realize the problems associated with the spectacular growth of cities by the late 19 th century?

40 A Urban Leagues had formed to address them B The National Progressive Party had formed specifically to deal with them C President Theodore Roosevelt promised to fix them D Many of these problems had been exposed by journalists and photographers

41 How did people in the U.S. begin to realize the problems associated with the spectacular growth of cities by the late 19 th century? A B C D Many of these problems had been exposed by journalists and photographers

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43 How did the existence of the new class of industrial laborers in the 19 th century lead to the growth of labor unions?

44 A The middle class was outraged at the living conditions of the working class B Workers themselves petitioned the government for fewer hours and higher pay C Unions were legalized in Britain D Workers banded together and utilized their strength of numbers to improve their conditions

45 How did the existence of the new class of industrial laborers in the 19 th century lead to the growth of labor unions? A B C D Workers banded together and utilized their strength of numbers to improve their conditions

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47 Which economic theory was promoted in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations?

48 A Communism: The economy should be organized on the basis of cooperation rather than competition B Capitalism: Gov’t should allow business to operate on its own with little interference C Socialism: Workers should get to keep the fruits of their labor D Mercantilism: Gov’t should regulate economic development for the good of the nation as a whole

49 Which economic theory was promoted in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations? A B Capitalism: Gov’t should allow business to operate on its own with little interference C D

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51 According to him, a workers’ revolution would result in the creation of a communist society organized on this concept: “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

52 A Robert Owen B Jacques Bossuet C Adam Smith D Karl Marx

53 According to him, a workers’ revolution would result in the creation of a communist society organized on this concept: “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” A B C D Karl Marx

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55 How did Social Darwinists believe the business world operated?

56 A Companies, like species, adapted to their environments B the business world was inherently corrupt because capitalists were allowed to steal from the workers who created wealth C the idea of natural selection only applied to corporations D the fittest individuals and companies dominated, others went out of business

57 How did Social Darwinists believe the business world operated? A B C D the fittest individuals and companies dominated, others went out of business

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