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Jeopardy Figures of Speech 1 Figures of Speech Lit. Terms Punctuation Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Figures of Speech 1 Figures of Speech Lit. Terms Punctuation Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Figures of Speech 1 Figures of Speech Lit. Terms Punctuation Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question Figures of Speech 1 My baby is like an angel.

3 $100 Answer from Figures of speech 1 Who is the simile

4 $200 Question from FOS 1 She’s a gold digger.

5 $200 Answer from FOS 1 Who is metaphor

6 $300 Figures of Speech 1 The bacon sizzled in the frying pan.

7 $300 Answer from FOS 1 What is onomatopoeia

8 $400 Question from Figures of Speech A blanket of mist covered the island.

9 $400 Answer from FOS 1 What is metaphor

10 $500 Question from Figures of Speech The waves danced their way to the shore

11 $500 Answer from FOS 1 What is personification

12 $100 Question from Figures of Speech Mike Tyson is like an animal.

13 $100 Answer from Figures of Speech What is simile

14 $200 Question from Figures of speech The kites buzzed and hummed in the air.

15 $200 Answer from Figures of Speech What is onomatopoeia

16 $300 Question from Figures of Speech The sea surged and sighed its way to the shore

17 $300 Answer from Figures of Speech What is alliteration

18 $400 Question from Figures of Speech He is a lazy slug who drags his way around.

19 $400 Answer from Figures of Speech What is metaphor

20 $500 Question from Figures of Speech “This bag weighs a ton!” exclaimed my brother as he dropped it to the ground.

21 $500 Answer from Figures of Speech What is hyperbole

22 $100 Question from Lit. Terms A word meaning the action or what the story is about

23 $100 Answer from Lit. Terms What is plot

24 $200 Question from Lit. Terms A word which means the time and the place that the events of the story take place.

25 $200 Answer from Lit. Terms What is the setting

26 $300 Question from Lit. Terms The highest point or most exciting part of the novel

27 $300 Answer from Lit. Terms What is The climax

28 $400 Question from Lit. Terms The figure of speech that is demonstrated in the following passage: “Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on.”

29 $400 Answer from Lit. Terms What is personification ?

30 $500 Question from Lit. Terms The end of the novel where the conflict is resolved.

31 $500 Answer from Lit. Terms What is t he resolution or the denouement

32 $100 Question from Punctuation i bought ham, cheese, eggs and fruit from the supermarket.

33 $100 Answer from Punctuation The letter I should be capitalized

34 $200 Question from Punctuation Have you seen my black Nike sneakers.

35 $200 Answer from Punctuation The sentence should end with a ‘?’

36 $300 Question from Punctuation Horrors adventure and mysteries are my favourite types of books.

37 $300 Answer from Punctuation There should be a comma after the word “horrors”

38 $400 Question from Punctuation “Please help me”! screamed the little girl.

39 $400 Answer from Punctuation The “!” comes BEFORE the quotation marks

40 $500 Question from Punctuation Many schools use only computers, some still use text books.

41 $500 Answer from Punctuation Replace the comma with a ; OR put a. and capitalize the next letter.

42 $100 Question from Potpourri Which word is spelled incorrectly: A.Beginning B.Written C.Comprehension D.Langauge

43 $100 Answer from Potpourri Language

44 $200 Question from Potpourri What is the setting of Romeo and Juliet

45 $200 Answer from Potpourri What is Verona

46 $300 Question from Potpourri Identify the adjective in this sentence: I had a really busy day and I did not get any homework done.

47 $300 Answer from Potpourri Who is busy

48 $400 Question from Potpourri Join these two sentences- you cannot use the word ‘and’ Jessica and Jessie are twins. They both play the piano.

49 $400 Answer from Potpourri Jessica and Jessie are twins who (both) play the piano.

50 $500 Question from Potpourri Explain what is meant by internal conflict.

51 $500 Answer from Potpourri What is a situation where the main character is faced with a moral dilemma or a difficult choice

52 Final Jeopardy Tears of a Tiger was set in which American State: Ohio Iowa Chicago New York

53 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Ohio

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