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CASE TITLE HERE Resident(s): Attending(s): Program/Dept(s): Originally Posted: Month, 00, 20xx.

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Presentation on theme: "CASE TITLE HERE Resident(s): Attending(s): Program/Dept(s): Originally Posted: Month, 00, 20xx."— Presentation transcript:

1 CASE TITLE HERE Resident(s): Attending(s): Program/Dept(s): Originally Posted: Month, 00, 20xx

2 CHIEF COMPLAINT & HPI  Chief Complaint and/or reason for consultation  Enter the patient’s chief complaint and reason for IR consultation here.  History of Present Illness  Enter the patient’s HPI here.

3 RELEVANT HISTORY  Past Medical History  Enter relevant information below each section.  Past Surgical History  Family & Social History  Review of Systems  Medications  Allergies

4 DIAGNOSTIC WORKUP  Physical Exam  Pertinent positive/negative physical exam findings.  Laboratory Data  Pertinent positive/negative diagnostic studies.  Non-Invasive Imaging

5 DIAGNOSIS  Enter the diagnosis or differential diagnosis here.

6 INTERVENTION  Explain the planned and/or intervention(s) taken.

7 CLINICAL FOLLOW UP  Describe any clinical and/or imaging follow up.  If none is available, simply state why.

8 SUMMARY & TEACHING POINTS  Summarize key teaching points.


10 QUESTION SLIDE 1)Type your question here. Feel free to put images on this slide. A: Type in possible answers. B: Type in possible answers. C: Type in possible answers. D: Type in possible answers.

11 CORRECT! 1) Type your question here. Feel free to put images on this slide. A: Bold the correct answer choice. It’s encouraged to expand why the answer is correct (e.g. re-show images with highlighted areas) B: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed. C: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed. D: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed.

12 SORRY, THAT’S INCORRECT. 1) Type your question here. Feel free to put images on this slide. A: Bold the correct answer choice. It’s encouraged to expand why the answer is correct (e.g. re-show images with highlighted areas) B: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed. C: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed. D: Cross out the incorrect answers. An explanation of why each incorrect answer is wrong is encouraged, if it is needed.

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