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PACES Domain V: Enabling Thinking PACES is: Indicators Seven Domains Teaching & Learning Components.

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2 PACES Domain V: Enabling Thinking

3 PACES is: Indicators Seven Domains Teaching & Learning Components

4 The Seven Domains I.Planning for Teaching and Learning II.Managing the Learning Environment III.Teacher/Learner Relationships IV.Enhancing and Enabling Learning Enabling Thinking V. Enabling Thinking VI.Classroom-Based Assessment of Learning VII.Professional Responsibilities

5 Indicators 44 Required for Evaluation Total of 107

6 There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing. Isaac D’Israeli Writer 1766-1848

7 V.A. Higher Order Cognitive Skills zLearners are actively engaged and/or involved in developing associations (V.A.1). zLearners are actively engaged and/or involved in developing concepts (V.A.2). zLearners are actively engaged and/or involved in developing principles, rules, and/or generalizations (V.A.3). continued Involvement in the development of thinking skills suggests more in depth cognitive activity than being at task.

8 V.A. Higher Order Cognitive Skills continued zLearners are actively engaged and/or involved and encouraged to generate and think about examples from their own experiences (V.A.4). zLearners are actively engaged and/or involved in and encouraged to use mental imagery (V.A.5). Involvement in the development of thinking skills suggests more in depth cognitive activity than being at task.

9 V.A. 1 Developing Associations

10 An association is a connection between ideas, sensations, memories and so on. An association is a fundamental building block for learning Associations form networks, patterns, and arrangements of knowledge that can be used for future learning. BC A

11 IMAGINE! We process the world by comparing whatever we perceive to our previous experience. What would life be like without our ability to make these associations?

12 Keys to Meaningful Association Forming zLink new associations to prior learning experiences. zActively involve learners.

13 V.A.2 Developing Concepts

14 Concepts are general ideas or understandings derived from specific instances or classes of objects.

15 Plant Flower Rose The development of concepts involves linking items to categories, concept classes, by using attributes of members in the concept class.

16 V.A.3 Developing Principles, Rules, and/or Generalizations

17 Principles, Rules, and Generalizations state relationships between two or more concepts. zLaws zFundamental truths zEssential elements in a process zMethods of operation zFunctional relationships E=MC 2

18 V.A.4 Generating and Thinking About Examples from Learner Experience

19 The teacher uses methods that actively engage and/or involve learners in ample opportunities to: Knowledge Generate Structure Transfer Transform Restructure

20 Thinking skills are developed and learning is enhanced when the learner: z provides examples from personal experience. z generates new examples. z attends to others’ personal examples.

21 V.A.5 Using Mental Imagery

22 Imagination can: Generate and transform knowledge. But only if you ask the right questions.

23 Imagination, which, in truth, Is but another name for absolute power And clearest insight, amplitude of mind, And reason in her most exalted mood. William Wordsworth Poet 1770- 1850

24 PACES Domain V: Enabling Thinking V. B. Questioning Strategies

25 What is the answer?… In that case, what is the question? Gertrude Stein Writer 1874-1946 Last words.

26 Questioning Strategies Indicators zA variety of questions that enable thinking are asked and/or solicited (V.B.1) zWait time is used as appropriate to enhance the development of thinking skills (V.B.2)

27 V.B.1 A variety of questions that enable thinking are asked and/or solicited.

28 Keys to Enabling Thinking Through Variety of Questions z Questions may be asked by the teacher or by learners. z Questioning occurs throughout a lesson. z Question are asked for a variety of purposes.

29 z Compare z Contrast z Justify z Speculate z Predict z Synthesize z and... When learners are asked to: Stimulate higher order thinking skills z Generated z Structured z Restructured z Transferred z Transformed z and... Knowledge is: Variety of Purpose

30 V.B.2 Wait time is used as appropriate to enhance the development of thinking skills. ?

31 Wait time is the duration of the pause separating speakers. 1 Teacher - Learner 2 Learner - Teacher 3 Learner - Learner 4 Teacher - Teacher

32 Preferable Wait Time Format 1.Pose a question to the group. 2.Allow learners 3 to 5 seconds to ponder answers to the question. 3.Ask individual learners to then respond.

33 PACES Domain V: Enabling Thinking V.C. Problem Solving and Creative Thinking

34 I must Create a System, or be enslav’d by another Man’s… William Blake Writer & Artist 1757-1827

35 Indicators - Learners are Actively Engaged and/or Involved in: zCritical analysis and/or problem solving (V.C.1) zElaborating, extending, or discussing their own or other learner responses (V.C.2) zCreative thinking (V.C. 3) continued

36 Indicators - Learners are Actively Engaged and/or Involved in: zExtending learning to different contexts (V.C.4) zThinking about their roles and responsibilities as thinkers and learners. (V.C.5)

37 V.C.1: Critical Analysis and/or Problem Solving

38 Strategies that encourage critical analysis and/or problem solving include: zMaking predictions zLinking cause & effect zDiscussing means & ends relationships zConsensus building zIdentifying pros & cons

39 More Strategies: zListing strengths & weaknesses zDistinguishing facts from opinions and relevant from irrelevant information zDetermining credibility of sources zIdentifying assumptions & limitations zIdentifying logical fallacies & ambiguities

40 V.C.2 Elaborating and Extending Responses

41 Learners may elaborate upon and extend other learner knowledge, the teacher’s or their own by: Transferring Matching Restructuring

42 V.C.3: Creative Thinking

43 Creative Thinking Involves: Fluency Flexibility Originality Elaboration

44 V.C.4: Extending Learning to Different Contexts

45 Past experiences New learning opportunities Other topics Imaginary settings & Personal reflection Are all contexts to which new learning may be applied.

46 V.C.5: Learners Are Encouraged to Think About Their Roles and Responsibilities as Thinkers and Learners Learners understand: * they are co-participants in the learning environment *their past experiences help construct new insights and knowledge * membership in a learning community is important in developing thinking skills

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