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Federal University of São Carlos Exact Sciences and Technology Center Department of Chemistry University: 12.000 students 1000 Professors 60 graduation.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal University of São Carlos Exact Sciences and Technology Center Department of Chemistry University: 12.000 students 1000 Professors 60 graduation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal University of São Carlos Exact Sciences and Technology Center Department of Chemistry University: 12.000 students 1000 Professors 60 graduation curses 30 postgraduate curses Chemistry department: 52 professors 200 postgraduate students Prof. Dr. Renato Lajarim Carneiro Applied Chemometrics Group Prof. Dr. Renato Lajarim Carneiro About me: B.Sc. in chemistry, 2004 Master in analycal chemistry, 2007 Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, 2010

2 Prof. Dr. Renato Lajarim Carneiro2


4 Our group Master students Leidaiany Pereira dos Santos: Imaging spectroscopy using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to evaluate homogeinity of tables; Daniela Elisabeth Hercules Schiavon. Use of chemometrics tools in the optmization of HPLC/DAD and HPLC/MS-MS for quantification of degradation products from biotranformation using fungus; Bolaji Charles Dayo Owoyemi. Evaluation of new cocristals and polymorphs of APIs. Priscylla Rodrigues Assis. Fingerprint of medicinal plants using NMR and second order chemometrics methods. Ph.D. students Frederico Luis Felipe Soares. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for fingerprints; Cláudia Bartoli Pelizaro. Optimization of biotransformation of antibiotics using some kind of fungus. Jorge Armando Ardila. Multivariate analysis of degradation of hydroclorotiazide e ranitidin using SERS and LC/MS; Marco Antonio dos Santos Farias. Chemometrics tools for simultaneous quantification of mixture of polymorphs using, IR, Raman and XRD.

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