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Ashley’s Student News PowerPoint Period 3 Mr. Gabbard.

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1 Ashley’s Student News PowerPoint Period 3 Mr. Gabbard

2 My First News Story Have you ever heard the saying “ A apple a day keeps the doctors away.” Well a study was shown that eating your fruits and vegetables each day can help lower you rick of developing a heart disease.

3 My second news story Is about street skating the streets were to icy for people to drive on. So people were ice skating on the streets. Its sounds like fun but kind of scary.

4 Egypt uprising impact on oil There is a problem with how the oil will be transported. The news says that if they change their oil route that will add about 6,000 more miles. That will cause more money to be spent and it would not arrive on time.

5 A new treaty started President Obama started a new treaty saying that each country is only aloud to have 15,050 weapons instead of 24,000.It has already gone in to affect.

6 Black History Ernst Green was one of the little rock 9. A group of African Americans who enrolled in Central High school in Arizona a capital in 1970. while he was making history his family was making history with this little thing called a Green Book, that was just for African it was a little booklet that hade routes to travel on places to get food, sleep and even get your car repaired.

7 The space ships discovery Its so funny how the government can spend about half a billion dollars on a stupid space ship but they want to close down half of Detroit schools to keep the extra money. They will keep students from getting a education yet they can send a ship into space. How is it Obama said students education is the most important thing but they are taking schools away.

8 Unemployment The unemployment rate has dropped to 9.8 % that’s good if this continues. There was a 22,000 spike in employment rate in the middle and upper class, but there was a 30,000 drop rate for the public people.

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