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The External Economic Activities of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2005.

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2 The External Economic Activities of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2005

3 Geographical position of the Republic of Tajikistan

4 The population as of 1 January 2006 was 6 919 600

5 Gross domestic product in 2005 was US$2 309.9 million, which was 6.7% more than the figure for 2004.

6 Tajikistan countryside:

7 The Republic of Tajikistan has international trading links with 89 countries: 10 CIS countries and 79 in the rest of the world.

8 Proportions of Tajikistan’s external trade flows accounted for by its main trading partners in 2005:


10 Tajikistan’s external trade has grown by a factor of 1.5 over the last five years, but the balance for those years is negative. Outcome for 2005: Millions of US$ External trade (imports + exports) ExportsImportsBalance Total2 238.5908.71 329.8- 421.1 CIS1 042.0177.9864.1- 686.2 Other1 196.5730.8465.7265.1

11 Exports of goods

12 Exports of goods in 2005 amounted to US$908.7 million The Republic of Tajikistan is rich in raw materials. A major part of its natural wealth comprises: base metals: 62.9%; textile materials and products made from them, including cotton fibre: 20.7%; mineral products, including electrical energy: 6.7%; precious and semi-precious stones and metals: 2.4%.

13 Exports of goods

14 Imports of goods

15 Imports of goods in 2005 amounted to US$1 329.8 million Products of the chemical industry: 31.6% Means of transport, machinery and equipment: 21.2% Mineral products, including electrical energy, gas and petroleum products: 22.4%

16 Imports of goods

17 International services In 2005, international services had a value of more than US$200 million, or 10% of the value of external trade in goods; The structure of the country’s imports and exports is dominated by transport services; In the case of exports, scheduled passenger and goods transport accounts for about 70% of the total; Imports are dominated by air transport (40%) and construction (25%).

18 International services

19 Imports of international services, by type of service

20 International services: Tajikistan’s main trading partners are the CIS countries

21 Investment Since the Republic of Tajikistan is a young country, it needs partnerships with other countries, via the creation of joint enterprises, to develop its economy. Since 1997, the country has attracted foreign investments to the value of US$868.0 million: Direct: US$361.4 million; Other: US$506.6 million.

22 Direct investment Partner countries: CIS countries: 3.2% Other countries: 96.8% of which: Italy: 27% Korea: 22% United Kingdom: 16% United States: 9%

23 Other investment CIS countries : 0.0% Other countries: 100.0% Partner countries: United States: 60.8% Philippines: 10.1% Kuwait: 6.0% Iran: 3.9%

24 Investment Volume of investment as of 01.10.2005: US$542.3 million, of which:  Road building: US$90.6 million;  Manufacture of textile products: US$45.3 million;  Manufacture of textile fibres: US$41.0 million;  Extraction of precious metals and stones: US$29.9 million;  Non-ferrous metals: US$19.2 million;  Civil engineering: US$16.8 million.

25 Principles of methodology Aim: To satisfy the needs of information users Users:  Administrative bodies in the Republic;  National and international organisations;  Embassies;  Educational establishments;  News agencies.

26 Principles of methodology Legal basis: Acts of the Republic of Tajikistan: The State Statistics Act; The Act on State Regulation of the External Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan; Customs Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.

27 Principles of methodology Classifiers used: Goods Classifier of External Economic Activities of the CIS (TNVED); State Classifier of Types of Economic Activity (based on NACE); Standard International Trade Classifier (SITC); Services Classifier for External Economic Activities (KUVED).

28 Principles of methodology International methodological reference works: “Economic Statistics”, Germany, 1995; “International Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions”, UN, New York, 2000; “International Trade Statistics: Compilers Manual”, UN, New York, 2004.

29 Thank you for your attention! STATE STATISTICAL COMMITTEE OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Ul. Bokhtar, 17 Dushanbe Republic of Tajikistan Tel.: (992 372) 23-25-53 Fax: (992 372) 21-43-75 E-mail: Internet:

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