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Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 TLEP Design Study News.

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Presentation on theme: "Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 TLEP Design Study News."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 TLEP Design Study News

2 ‘’Wisdom is the child of wonder’’ Happy New Year 2014!

3 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 General TLEP VIDYO meetings Time-slot: Monday 15:00-17:00 CERN time; (6-8) am on Pacific time; 23:00-1:00 in Japan Every two weeks, VIDYO, material on TLEP indico Standing items: TLEP news, short reports from conveners, agenda for next time + a few feature items for information, discussion Emphasis in alternance Accelerator / Physics There will be a single room at CERN Comments suggestions and requests to the steering committee

4 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 Calendar (to my knowledge) 2014 Jan 6 Physics 2014 Jan 20 Accelerator 2014 Feb 3 Physics 2014 Feb 12-15 FCC Kick-off meeting

5 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 International Workshop on Future High Energy Circular Colliders chaired by Xinchou Lou (IHEP, Beijing) December 16, 2013 to Tuesday, December 17, 2013 many good presentations a strong and very well organized chinese team a clear vision for the FHECC (future High Energy Circular Colliders. (see next slides by Yifang Wang and Nima A.-A.) Recent meetings of note: P5 open meeting (15-17 December 2013) -- many thanks to Sally Dawson for very fair presentation of FCC (TLEP+VHE-LHC) -- very nice and comprehensive talk by M. Benedikt on FCC NuPhys2013 19-20 dece’14. neutrino physics meeting but included connection with high energy experiments (AB, Petcov, Deppisch)

6 CEPC+SppC Where(if in China): –For example, Qin-Huang-Dao

7 CEPC+SppC When(dream): –CPEC Pre-study, R&D and preparation work –Pre-study: 2013-15 –R&D: 2015-2020 –Engineering Design: 2015-2020 Construction: 2021-2027 Data taking: 2028-2035 –SPPC Pre-study, R&D and preparation work –Pre-study: 2013-2020 –R&D: 2020-2030 –Engineering Design: 2030-2035 Construction: 2035-2042 Data taking: 2042 -

8 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 From Nima:

9 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 From Nima: from me: and we have hardly looked at it!

10 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 LEP2 limits (DELPHI) (projected) arxiv:1208.3654 how far can TLEP-Z and TLEP-H go?

11 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 FCC-TLEP: Working group conveners nominations Nominations in the Physics groups WG1. EW physics at the Z pole : Roberto Tenchini WG5. Flavour physics : Stéphane Monteil WG10. Online software/computing : Christos Leonidopoulos WG11. Detector Designs : Gigi Rolandi WG4. Top Physics : Patrizia Azzi WG6. QCD and gamma gamma : David d'Enterria WG9. Offline software : Colin Bernet

12 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 -- see next slides for preliminary agenda -- do register and do signal your parallel session of interest and if you wish to see particular topic brought up.

13 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 kick-off meeting 12-14(15) February ‘14 location: University of Geneva draft agenda, Wednesday 12 February Session 1a – opening 13:45Welcomeofficial TBC 14:00Opening & introductionRolf Heuer 14:30Energy Frontier after the Higgs discovery Nima Arkani-Hamed 15:00Precision Frontier at High EnergiesChristophe Grojean 15:30coffee break Session 1b – opening 16:00CERN RoadmapFrederick Bordry 16:30FCC StudyMichael Benedikt 17:00Cultural, economical and societal impact of big science projects John Womersley

14 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 draft agenda, Thursday 13 February morning Session 2a – hadron machine 08:30Hadron Collider OverviewDaniel Schulte 09:00Synchrotron Radiation & Vacuum Concepts TBC 09:30Hadron Injector OptionsTBC 10:00R&D roadmap towards 16 T Nb3Sn dipole magnets ready for industrial production TBC 10:30coffee break Session 1b – hadron physics 11:00 FCC Hadron Physics & experiments I TBC 11:30 FCC Hadron Physics & experiments II TBC 12:00 FCC Hadron Physics & experiments III TBC

15 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 draft agenda, Thursday 13 February afternoon Session 3a – lepton machine 14:00Lepton Collider OverviewJorg Wenninger 14:30Optics challengesBernhard Holzer 15:00Lepton Injector OptionsTBC 15:30100-MW RF System at different Beam Energies and Intensities Erk Jensen 16:00coffee break Session 3b – lepton physics 16:30Lepton PhysicsJohn Ellis 17:00Lepton Experiments & DetectorsGigi Rolandi 17:30Future e-p physicsMonica d’Onofrio

16 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 draft agenda, Friday 14 February morning Session 4a – infrastructure & operation 08:30Unconventional issues in conventional facilities Philippe Lebrun 09:00Geodesy and civil engineeringJohn Osborne 09:30Gotthard Tunnel ProjectFelix Amberg 10:00CryogenicsTBC 10:30Health, safety and environmentTBC 11:00coffee break Session 4b – closing 11:30Availability, energy, operationPaul Collier 12:00Closing Remarks & OutlookRolf Heuer 12:30End of formal meeting

17 Alain Blondel TLEP VC 2013-11-18 Friday afternoon and Saturday morning at University 14:00 break out sessions (coffee break at 16:00) conveners -- Technical infrastructure and civil engineering Lebrun -- Hadron collider design (+ SC magnet technology, + injectors) Schulte -- Lepton collider design (+ SC RF technology + injectors) Wenninger -- Hadron Physics, Experiments, Detectors Ball +Gianotti -- Lepton Physics, Experiments, Detectors Blondel + Janot -- e-p Physics, Experiments, Detectors Klein -- FCC Overall physics and phenomenology Ellis + Mangano Saturday morning 9:00 (coffee break at 11:00) -- reports by conveners -- Wrap-up and next steps (Michael Benedikt)

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