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Cassidy Butler. Composition Fastskins are made from synthetic fabrics, which are made from petrochemicals Petrochemicals are chemicals found in petroleum.

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Presentation on theme: "Cassidy Butler. Composition Fastskins are made from synthetic fabrics, which are made from petrochemicals Petrochemicals are chemicals found in petroleum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cassidy Butler

2 Composition Fastskins are made from synthetic fabrics, which are made from petrochemicals Petrochemicals are chemicals found in petroleum and natural gases The components of petroleum (all basically composed of hydrocarbons)- Gasoline Dissolved natural gas Benzene (picture) Naphtha Kerosene Heating oils Diesel fuel Tars

3 Production Those components start out in liquid form and are put through fine holes in a spinneret. When they are out of the nozzle, they are cooled so they become solid and form threads, and are woven together to make a fabric.

4 Operation Fastskins improve competitive swimmer’s performances Scientists got the idea of Fastskins from sharks. The denticles on a shark’s body make it so there is a low friction as it swims. These “denticles” were put on Fastskins to reduce the friction between the swimmer and the water, and also give a gliding sensation. No health effects 024

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