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 Finalize VOCAB “Terms of Reference”  Define use cases for the keyword database and its development  Develop procedures for capturing and managing.

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2  Finalize VOCAB “Terms of Reference”  Define use cases for the keyword database and its development  Develop procedures for capturing and managing keyword taxonomies  DONE: Identify suitable existing database structures or software for managing the controlled vocabulary and adopt or modify them to meet the use cases

3 Saturday March 26 7-8 AMBreakfast at the SEV 8-8:30 AMWelcome, Review of Agenda, progress report 8:30- 9 AM Setup Use Case Working Groups 9-11 AMUse Case Working Groups 11-NoonReport back from working groups, VTC with other members for input Noon – 1:30 PMLunch 1:30-2:30 PM Review of Controlled Vocabulary Terms of Reference – List Management 2:30-3:30 PM Work on using TemaTres software, including web services – work on taxonomies 3:30-5:00 PMWork on some draft taxonomies 6 PMDepart for Dinner in Sicorro

4 Sunday March 27 7-8 AMBreakfast 8-9 AMPlanning for workshop at SC with domain researchers 9-11 AMWork on Use Cases with focus on implementation steps 11-NoonReport on use cases, VTC with other members for input Noon- 1:30 PMLunch 1:30-3 PMWrite-up Use case scenarios, work on draft taxonomys 3-3:30 PMWrapup 4 PMDepart for ABQ hotels and airport

5  Tematres web-based thesaurus tool installed  Taxonomys implemented  Habitats/Ecosystems  Substances  Processes  Organisms  Terms classified (things, materials, activities/processes, properties, etc.)  A few terms recommended for removal

6  416 terms are part of the polytaxonomy  Includes some new higher-level terms  264 terms remain to be linked  Synonyms are listed, but not yet added  A production server has been established for the controlled vocabulary  Ability to create instances for individual sites  Eda has worked a lot on import/export issues

7  Straw Man List  Vocabulary use for searching and browsing – Eda, Don, Corrina  Putting the vocabulary into LTER documents – Kristin, Margaret, John  List Management – decision processes  Focus first on WHO DOES WHAT (not how)  May be a diagram/flow chart showing actors, actions and results  Once the first step is accomplished then consider:  How it might be accomplished technically  What resources would be required  Who should be responsible for the implementation


9  JP’s use case  Draft EML document  Use Duane’s HIVE tool to suggest probable words  check off ones you want,  returns  EML snippet to screen, for cut and paste into doc.  Or Revised EML document with keywords added  Or XML document with keywords (in keywordset node, including thesaurus) to be used with web service client (allowing additions to relation databases etc.)

10  Populate Drupal web site with polytaxonomy  Within Drupal Metadata Editor - Browse – drop down list of levels, or search to find terms  Select term you want and it is automatically added to backend database that is used by the module that creates EML

11  Browse or search keywords and check off desired terms  As things are checked off, generates internal list that is archived at a particular URL  Web service provides XML snippet that can go into EML

12  E.g., publications, projects etc.  May not have EML representations  Browse or search to locate potential terms  Return  Simple list for inclusion (cut and paste) into publications etc.  EML snippet as part of an XML document for use with a web service client to interface with desired systems  Note: this could also use HIVE search tool instead of raw browse

13  Need a best practices guide that addresses use of the controlled vocabulary  Goal – assure that LTER data is discoverable  Examples:  Use the most specific terms you can  Specify how many or what categories of terms should be included where applicable - examples  Specifing a desirable number of terms  E.g., At least one term from at least X of the LTER taxonomys  Should have at least one core area

14  Run document through congruency checker  It says how many keywords and taxonomys are represented in an EML document  Allows checking for conformance with best practices

15  Principles  want to hit “sweet spot” for number of keywords  Enough to make reasonable search and browsing possible  Not so specific that only data from a particular site or dataset would be returned from a search  Could be words used widely at a single site  Want to avoid words that are too esoteric  The list should be modified periodically to capture additional words as they become widely used in the network  Each site should be able to propose new preferred terms, in suitable forms that are widely used in datasets from the site. A proposal should include justification, including information on related terms used at other LTER sites and where the term might be placed into the taxonomies  Sites can propose also non-preferred terms linked to existing preferred terms  Sites should be able to maintain independent, site-specific controlled vocabularies

16  The proposed terms should be suitable for inclusion (e.g., not locations or specific taxonomic identifiers)  Proposed terms should not be redundant with existing term(s) already in the vocabulary  Terms and their proposed places in taxonomys should conform in form with NISO Z39.19 2005 and successor documents (e.g., sections 6.5.1, 8.3)

17  The proposed terms should be suitable for inclusion (e.g., not locations or specific taxonomic identifiers)  The proposed terms must be sufficiently close synonyms to the preferred term to which they will be linked

18  Terms will never be altered, but they can be demoted to non-preferred status  Terms can only be removed if they are not currently in use by datasets  Removals or alterations of terms are expected to be rare

19  These have large subjective elements. Other resources should be frequently consulted when making changes  Sites or individuals can propose and justify changes that will be evaluated relative to NISO Z39.19

20  VOCAB committee may do research to identify terms that should be added based on use in site-specific vocabularies, use in datasets and other sources of information.  VOCAB committee receives and evaluates proposed changes  Based on criteria make changes to development version of the controlled vocabulary database  The Controlled Vocabulary may make immediate changes in the current official version to correct gross errors  New versions will be issued by VOCAB from time-to-time, and a request for endorsement will be forwarded to IMEXEC

21  Objective  Engage SC members – sell on idea – develop some advocates  Process followed: Objectives - Rules for taxonomys  Get guidance on specific issues  The Controlled vocabulary  Need for related terms?  Are there things missing? – core areas?  Are there things that should be removed?  Are there things that are out of place?  Specifc areas of concern  Use Cases  Feedback on proposed uses  Priorities for getting implemented  Tasks before workshop  Add definitions for all words to the taxonomy  Prioritize ones that are difficult  Get way to display entire vocab.  Improve diagram for content  Send SC members link to Tematres – have them do test searches

22  Introduction – 1 hour  Around the room introductions  why we need controlled vocabulary  steps taken so far  Background – procedures for creating controlled vocabularies  Meeting objectives  How to use Controlled Vocabulary – 1 hour  Question for SC members  What are your experiences with finding LTER data  What would most help you find data in the future?  Discussion of data discovery use cases

23  Tour of Controlled Vocabulary – 1 hour  General Introduction  Breakout groups (pair SC member with IM) to look at areas of specific interest  Feedback to entire group on things in the controlled vocabulary that need improvement – 1 hour  Discussion of specific issues  Core areas as top level hierarchy  now integrated elsewhere  Management of the vocabulary – role of researchers  Discussion of next steps  How do we engage larger LTER community?  How much, and what sort of engagement is needed

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