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P R O F I T (2004-2007) Policy Responses Overcoming Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities Priority 7, STREP CIT2-CT-2004-506245.

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Presentation on theme: "P R O F I T (2004-2007) Policy Responses Overcoming Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities Priority 7, STREP CIT2-CT-2004-506245."— Presentation transcript:

1 P R O F I T (2004-2007) Policy Responses Overcoming Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities Priority 7, STREP CIT2-CT-2004-506245

2 Project participants: University of Lodz, Poland,coordinator REGLO, NGO, Bulgaria University of Giessen, Germany University of Tartu, Estonia University of Turku, Finland University of Padova, Italy Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Loughborough University, United Kingdom

3 General assumption of the PROFIT:

4 Intergenerational inheritance of inequalities constrains the achievement of strategic objectives of European Union, being sustainable development, social and territorial cohesion and improved quality of life. Inheritance of inequalities poses challenges to society Science is to support policy –makers in their endeavors to reduce/overcome transmission of inequalities from one generation to another.

5 Specific assumptions: 1.Intergenerational inheritance of inequalities exists in each European society 2.IIofI is a result of intersecting influences of family, community and society. 3.The state is particularly responsible for supporting equality of opportunities

6 Countries differ regarding: the extent of IIofI and groups, which are affected interrelation between micro, mezzo and macro level in promoting intergenerational social mobility policies (educational, social, employment etc) and practices, which are implemented to reduce/overcome IIofI how responsibility is shared among central and local government as well as among public and private sector

7 Figure 1 Analytical model of IIofI

8 The project focuses primarily on interrelation between policies and practices exercised at the national (society) and local (community) level in a process of reducing/overcoming Intergenerational Inheritance of Inequalities

9 The project seeks to answer following questions: 1. What is the socio-economic-cultural context and what are the policy responses aimed at counteracting IIofI at the national level? 2. What are the implications of different national context for policies and practices to counteract IIofI at the local level? 3. What is the relative importance of local policy among the factors affecting social mobility of individuals? 4. What are the possibilities and constrains to transfer good practice examples between communities from different countries?

10 Following specific objectives are to be achieved: 1.Developing a greater understanding of the socio- economic-cultural context within which IIofI occurs and policy responses at the national level 2.Developing a greater understanding of policy responses at local level to overcome IIofI 3.Identifying the relative importance of policy among the factors affecting social mobility of individuals 4.Assessing the transportability of policy solutions promoting social mobility implemented at local level

11 To achieve project objectives various research methods and techniques will be implied

12 Developing a greater understanding of the socio-economic-cultural context within which IIofI occurs and policy responses at the national level Critical review of national literature to examine patterns of inequalities and their ‘producers’ Secondary analysis of quantitative data Analysis of policy documents, Survey findings, Media debates, Elite interviews

13 Developing a greater understanding of policy responses at local level to overcome IIofI Focus groups/ Vignettes covering local politicians, professionals, economic actors, service providers

14 Identifying the relative importance of policy among factors affecting social mobility of individuals Survey among randomly selected young adults In-depth Interviews with young unemployed

15 The project comprises of four stages which overlap, i.e. stage 2 builds on work carried out in stage 1, stage 3 builds on work carried out in stages 1 and 2 e.t.c Stage 1 (12 months) is concerned with the socio- economic and cultural context of the IIofI, Stage 2 (5 months) is aimed at analysing implementation at local level policies and practices to combat the IIofI Stage 3 (11 months) intents to generate information about the ways in which policy measures impact on competences and skills of young members of risk groups living in medium size towns Stage 4 (8 months) is devoted to assess whether, and if so how, policy solutions can be transferred from one country to another.

16 The project seems to be unique and innovative in terms of research subject and methodology implied. Considering that process of decentralization of social problems solving is advanced all over Europe research team focuses on inclusion policies and practices formulated and implemented at local level. Responsibility for alleviation of unemployment and poverty is attached in European countries to local government. But it is very rarely, if ever, to compare local inclusion strategies being in operation in different countries. Delivering local policy relevant findings project will contribute to the building of European social model.

17 The project will involve the innovation-related activity in a form of initiation and creation dialogue between scientists, policy makers, practitioners, social partners to solve urgent social problem. The project will develop a platform for the interaction (by means of ICT) of scientific staff, stakeholders and end-users to promote policy learning by identifying and evaluating examples of good practice and the potential for policy transfer. It will help the accumulation of experience in overcoming factors in intergenerational transmission of inequalities.

18 Following outcomes are to be produced: the relative importance of the factors producing the IIofI in each of the countries under examination detected political and public reactions to them at the local level revealed examples of good practice published possible contextual explanations for successful policy responses in a given national context prepared contextual compatibility and incompatibility analysed conditions for transferability envisaged.

19 Dissemination strategy is aimed at: Researchers Policy-makers Social partners Public at large

20 T he strategy for disseminating knowledge among researchers beyond the consortium will include : creation of series of PROFIT working papers presentations at international and national conferences use of ICT to create discussant groups and websites (open and restricted) publication of journals articles and books preparation of doctoral theses based on PROFIT project materials.

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