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Conflict between cultural groups an inevitable part of life CMUN 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict between cultural groups an inevitable part of life CMUN 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict between cultural groups an inevitable part of life CMUN 4

2 Conflict Between Cultural Groups “When people of different nationalities and ethnic origins, who frequently speak different languages and hold different convictions, attempt to work and live together, conflicts can easily arise.” Samovar & Porter

3 Conflict Between Cultural Groups Causes Perception of incompatible goals Perception of threat to ego Related to personality traits Language content misunderstandings How terms are defined matter –Related to core values and beliefs (often religious) »Life »Gay »Liberal/Conservative

4 Conflict Between Cultural Groups American Perspective Conflict is a part of competition/useful Middle East: Conflict is a natural part of life Intensity expected Greeks: Tradition of argument and debate Japanese: peace at all costs Conflict seen as destructive to relationships

5 Dealing with Conflict Individualistic Direct “No” is an acceptable answer Rush to resolve conflict Interpersonal harmony not an issue Collectivist Do not use “no” Perceived threat Use qualifiers, disclaimers, to convey point of view Perhaps/Don’t you think/Yes, but…

6 Cultural Comfort The tendency to see own group as desired over others Affirmative action Isolation from diverse situations By choice Conflict can result Can be racial/gender/socioeconomic/ racial/ethnic/religious/familial/age

7 Managing Intercultural Conflict Productive Identify problems Focus on problem Direct towards solution Mutually satisfaction with outcome Destructive sweeping generalizations Focus on person Threats, coercive Polarization

8 Class discussion What are some of the conflicts that arise between different cultural groups Internationally Nationally Locally

9 Adapt Ethnocentrism Recognize the strong pull Keep it in check Language Attempt to learn language Understand idioms/proverbs/rules Know proper manners Social M/F Practice forgiveness

10 Group work/negotiation Discuss scenario Prepare for negotiation session

11 End of presentation

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