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Skilful living 8 proverbs 15 - speech that harms; speech that heals.

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Presentation on theme: "Skilful living 8 proverbs 15 - speech that harms; speech that heals."— Presentation transcript:

1 skilful living 8 proverbs 15 - speech that harms; speech that heals

2 those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless (james 1:26)





7 words that heal few (10:19, 17:28) honest (16:13, 24:26) calm (17:27) apt (15:23 in subject and in timing) encouraging (12:25) instructing (13:14, 27:5-6) life-giving (13:14)

8 how to become a master of your tongue shut up and listen! learn apologise and most of all…


10 skilful living 8 proverbs 15 - speech that harms; speech that heals

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