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EIRG – e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Dieter Kranzlmüller e-IRG Chairman

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Presentation on theme: "EIRG – e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Dieter Kranzlmüller e-IRG Chairman"— Presentation transcript:

1 eIRG – e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Dieter Kranzlmüller e-IRG Chairman

2 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 2 e-IRG Mission  … to support on the political, advisory and monitoring level, the creation of a policy and administrative framework for the easy and cost-effective shared use of electronic resources in Europe (focusing on Grid- computing, data storage, and networking resources) across technological, administrative and national domains.  Drafted in Rome on 10 December 2003.

3 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 3 e-IRG Focus  Focus on high-level policy, and the information required to define policy rather than on technical detail.  Topics:  e-infrastructures in FP7  policies for resource sharing  a registry/repository for European resources  coordination of new national and EU funding programs  better links and synergies between Europe and other regions (e.g. USA, Japan) engaged in similar activities

4 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 4 e-IRG Members  Consists of government appointed delegates from EU Member, Accession and Associated States, and EC officials  Troika 1H2006:  Dieter Kranzlmüller (Chair, Austria)  Malcolm Read (UK)  Leif Laaksonen (Finland)  e-IRGSP: Support Team  Coordinator: Patrick Aerts (The Netherlands)

5 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 5 e-IRG Objectives  To support creation of a framework (political, technological and administrative) for the easy and cost- effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe  To define and recommend best practices for each of the (pan-)European grid efforts.  To describe the ideas and recommendations in a White Paper that is augmented upon each presidency.

6 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 6 e-IRG Delegates Meeting, London, 12/2005 e-IRG Recommendation: “The e-IRG recognises that the current project-based financing model of grids (e.g., EGEE, DEISA) presents continuity and interoperability problems, and that new financing and governance models need to be explored – taking into account the role of national grid initiatives as recommended in the Luxembourg e-IRG meeting.”

7 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 7 e-IRG Delegates Meeting, London, 12/2005 e-IRG Recommendation:  “The e-IRG will establish a Task Force to take up this issue.”  “In order to facilitate international collaboration the e-IRG wishes to reaffirm the importance of the national e- infrastructure initiatives that aggregate on a national level relevant e-infrastructure activities.”

8 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 8 e-IRG Task Force “Sustainable e-Infrastructures”  Current members:  Leif Laaksonen (TF Chair, e-IRG Troika)  Victor Alessandrini (DEISA)  Bob Jones (EGEE)  Mirco Mazzucato (INFN)  Anne Trefethen (UK e-Science)  Klaus Ullmann (NREN/GEANT/DANTE)  Malcolm Read (e-IRG Troika)  Dieter Kranzlmüller (e-IRG Troika)

9 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 9 e-IRG TF Tasks  Develop a strategy to answer the following questions:  What impacts do e-Infrastructures have on the research process in general and on which areas in particular?  What is needed in terms of policies and funding to be sustainable over the long term?  What can be done to increase the acceptance and convenience of non-e-Infrastructure-enthusiasts?  How to integrate industrial efforts and SMEs into sustainable e- Infrastructures?  Once these questions are answered, and only then: How to achieve sustainability?

10 Dieter Kranzlmüllere-Infrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) 10 e-IRG Workshop Date: April 10-11, 2006 Location: Joh. Kepler University Linz, Austria Planned Agenda:  e-IRG White Paper  Report + Discussion from the eIRG Task Force on Sustainable e-Infrastructures

11 e-IRG: e-Infrastructure Reflection Group

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