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All-Pairs Shortest Paths HONG-MING CHU 2013/10/31.

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Presentation on theme: "All-Pairs Shortest Paths HONG-MING CHU 2013/10/31."— Presentation transcript:

1 All-Pairs Shortest Paths HONG-MING CHU 2013/10/31

2 Refernece Lecture slides from Prof. Hsin-Mu Tsai’s course slides and Prof. Ya- Yuin Su course slides.

3 Today’s Goal Quick recap of single source shortest path Floyd-Warshall algorithm Johson algorithm

4 Things we have learned so far Single-source shortest paths problem Two algorithms Bellman Ford algorithm Dijakstra’s algorithm Several properties about shorthest path

5 Optimal Substructure V0V0 ViVi VjVj VkVk

6 Triangle inequality

7 Algortihms we have learned Graph typeAlgorithmRunnging Time Unweighted graphBFSO(V+E) Non-negative edge weight graph DijkstraO(E+VlgV) General graphBellman-FordO(VE) DAGBellman-FordO(V+E)

8 Algortihms we have learned

9 Algorithms we have learned Graph typeAlgorithmRunnging Time Unweighted graph BFSO(V+E)O(V) Non-negative edge weight graph DijsktraO(E+VlgV)O(VlgV) General graphBellman-FordO(VE) DAGBellman-FordO(V+E)O(V)

10 All-pair shortest paths

11 But how…….? Recall that shortest paths has some useful properties. One of them is that a shortest path has an optimal substructure. As soon as we realize this……. Dynamic programming may be a good choice to solve this problem!

12 Floyd-Warshall algorithm

13 The transition function

14 The transition function(Cont.)

15 Pseudo code

16 An Alternative: Transitive closure of a directed graph

17 An Alternative: Transitive closure of a directed graph(Cont.)

18 Another idea

19 Johnson’s algorithm

20 Theorem

21 Theorem(Cont.) The same for every path

22 Collorary

23 Difference constraints

24 Difference constraints(Cont.)

25 V1V1 V2V2 V3V3 2 3 -2 S 0 0 0

26 Difference constraints(End)

27 Return to Johnson Algorthim

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