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Meeting the Challenges of MIS Reporting Presented by Antonio Trepesowsky, Student Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Challenges of MIS Reporting Presented by Antonio Trepesowsky, Student Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Challenges of MIS Reporting Presented by Antonio Trepesowsky, Student Consultant

2 Agenda MIS DED Running MIS reports 8.5.2 Key Points Individual Report issues

3 MIS DED Chancellor’s Office has revamped the MIS DED into a new and much more thorough format. It’s awesome. Woot! Thanks CCCCO! Some reports still not updated CW, EB, EJ, SC, SG, SI CB is new format but mentions mysterious CB25 implemented July 2011? but that’s all it says. SX does not mention new SX06 Inconsistent use of “Integrity Check”

4 Running MIS Reports Give functional users the ability to run their own area reports. PRO: Most are reasonably easy to convert into Excel CON: Output shows SSN. Use GUIALTI to find PRO: Encourages familiarity with MIS in depts PRO: Allows users to run reports on demand Currently developing Argos reports to facilitate end users and integrity and referential checks Newer report processing uses less steps.

5 8.5.2 Key Points 8.5.2 Domain revisited/reworked for all reports Especially SC, SE, and SM Main difference is a switch from STVRSTS Count in Enrollment to STVRSTS Status Type (you know, that drop down field) Still “casting the net wide” but much cleaner record selection especially for SM and SE, and thus of course SB. Restructure of SQL arrangement speeds up processing time.

6 Individual MIS Reports GI – tracked on STVTERM SI – tracked on GUITINH Any issues? CC – tracked on SOACALD (SVAIMIS control) Best practice: define default values in excel and get loaded to SOACALD to generate a record for each day of the year. Easier to edit particular aspects (census, holidays, flex days, finals) on SOACALD manually once loaded 320 only uses FLEX days. Define flex for each campus code. You should only need to define one full calendar per institution CC05 in 8.5.2 uses SVAIMIS to control default value

7 Individual MIS Reports CB – tracked on SCACRSE, SCADETL New element CB25? – Course-CID-Discipline-ID? Imminent return of CB12? Output does not convert easily into excel

8 Individual MIS Reports XB/XF/XE – tracked on SSASECT/SSADETL/SIAASGN XB10 – CVU/CVC who actually reports this? Change in XE domain. Exclude non-teaching administrative assignments. Impact for EB/EJ? XE01 – uses SIAINST first 8.5.1 Woot! XE03 – uses report parameter annualizer USE DOS batch file to concatenate after they’ve been run.

9 Individual MIS Reports SB – tracked on SPAIDEN, SGASTDN, SOAHSCH, SAAADMS, SGAUSDF (SVAIMIS control) SB00 – SSNs can not start with 8 SB11 – 8.5.1 now concatenates SOAHSCH/SOAPCOL year so now we only need single character codes in STVEDLV. Woot! SB14 – Selects from SAAADMS by design SB22 – Progress Calculation concerns SB30 – SGAUSDF Basic Skill Waiver SVAIMIS 8.5.2 controls default value for Apprenticeship/Transfer Center (SB23/SB24)

10 Individual MIS Reports SX – tracked on SFAALST/SHATCKN SX04 Order of Selection SHATCKN SFAALST In Progress = IP Credit course not gradable = UD Drop between Census and Acad Hist cut off = DR Non-credit course not gradable = UG GVATRMP for grade mode crosswalk Default XX

11 Individual MIS Reports SA – tracked on SOATEST Use SOATEQU to convert test score loads to placement levels Campus code not part of tape loads (impacts multi-college districts only) Tracking when your test instruments “expire”

12 Individual MIS Reports SM – tracked on SEADETL/SGASTDN Who actually captures the data on SEADETL? Significant Domain and element selection rework SVAIMIS for SM09 – Placement Services 8.5.2

13 Individual MIS Reports SD – tracked on SGADISA You can report all contacts, not just those with 4 or more. You only get funding for those with 4 or more. You should be tracking individual but reporting a sum of contact count. MIS gets “intrigued” when all records have a count of 4. Strongly encourage using SDE to add a comment field to SGADISA GOAMEDI – Use Medical code on SGADISA and GOAMEDI to make it easier to find if they’ve been helped in the past. Copy/Mass Update feature?

14 Individual MIS Reports SE – tracked on SGAEOPS Domain and Element rework Domain trio of pre-requirements – who wants to track them in the system? Other issues?

15 Individual MIS Reports SC/CW – tracked on SVACWSD Domain updated from Census to course start Any Issues? SP – tracked on SHADEGR Using AW for certificates and impact on transcripts Other Issues? SV – tracked on SGAUSDF SSB Survey logic to collect this information? Any Issues?

16 Individual MIS Reports SG – tracked on SVAMISH/SVAMIST (SVAIMIS control) Report not developed yet. Not required until Summer 2012. 2 new data entry forms, 1 new control form, 1 new query form, 6 new validation tables

17 Individual MIS Reports SF/FA Financial Aid – wasn’t planning on covering in detail SF01/FA21/FA22 are the only elements that pull from the student area TBRACCD for all 3 SFBETRM/SGBSTDN for SF01 = 2 Any issues?

18 Individual MIS Reports EB/EJ CalBHR – wasn’t planning on covering Any issues?

19 Solution Center Kudos Huge Kudos to the Solution Center for continuing to delve into the “madness” of MIS reporting and not running screaming from California. Down to 2 open defects related to MIS!!

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