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강사 : 윤진욱 보조강사 : 송규천 ( 02 – 562 – 3234 )

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Presentation on theme: "강사 : 윤진욱 보조강사 : 송규천 ( 02 – 562 – 3234 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 강사 : 윤진욱 보조강사 : 송규천 ( 02 – 562 – 3234 )

2 Seagate Crystal Reports 7 For Visual Basic Users

3 1. VB Printer Object VB Reporting Solution 2. VB Data Report(Tool) 3. Seagate Crystal Report(Tool)

4 Part 1 : Basic features Part 2 : Advanced New features차례

5 Report Designer Starting a new report Record Selection Sorting, Grouping and Summarizing Presentatin Quality Reports Part 1 - Part 1 - Basic features


7 실습 1. 1. Starting a new Report Starting a new Report

8 실습 2. 2. Record Selection Record Selection

9 실습 3. 3. Sorting, Grouping & Summarizing Sorting, Grouping & Summarizing

10 실습 4. 4. Presentation Quality Reports Presentation Quality Reports

11 New features Feature Highlights RDC ( Report Designer Component ) Part 2 Part 2 - Advanced Part 2 - Advanced features

12 Key New Features   Business User   IT Professional   Developer Geographic mapping Improved charting Ad hoc web query Improved cross-tabs Field highlighting Running totals Formula editor enhancements On-demand subreports Server-side processing File storage Field mapping JavaBean viewer Web Reports Server with CGI Report Designer Component v2 Delphi VCL Key New Features

13 Feature Highlights Charting and mapping Field highlighting Running Total Parameter On-demand subreports Field Mapping Ad hoc web query and web architecture Feature Highlights

14 실습 1. Charting Graph Analyzer & ToolTips

15 실습 2. Mapping 2.Add a Map Add a Map

16 실습 3. 3.Field Highlighting Field Highlighting

17 실습 4. Running Total

18 실습 5. 5.Parameter Parameter

19 실습 6. 6.On Demand SubReport On-Demand Subreport

20 실습 7. 7.Field Mapping Field Mapping

21 8.Web Reports Server Crystal Web Reports Server

22 The Report Designer Component for Visual Basic Ease of use Developer control Reuse Performance Superior reportsRDC

23 Other New Features Server-side processing Document import tool File storage JavaBean Delphi VCL File exports Other New Features

24 Demo

25 Usability - Improved UI, Formatting & Experts Web Reporting – New Web Component Server Microsoft Office Integration – Access & Excel Add-ins Performance – Report and Date Processing Speed – Report and Date Processing Speed Application Dev. – Report Creation APIs for Developers – Report Creation APIs for Developers Crystal Report 8

26 Fieldformatting – 추가적인 format 기능 지원 Map Analyzer – 향상된 keyword matching Web Reporting – Hyperlinks 기능 추가 Report Expert – 더욱 다양한 Data type 지원 – 더욱 다양한 Data type 지원RDC – Method, Property 추가 PDF File Exporting – Acrobat Reader 에서 읽을 수 있음 – Acrobat Reader 에서 읽을 수 있음 Crystal Report 8

27 강사 : 윤진욱 보조강사 : 송규천 ( 02 – 562 – 3234 )

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