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Weather and Climate Unit Vocabulary. Weather Short-term conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather and Climate Unit Vocabulary. Weather Short-term conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather and Climate Unit Vocabulary

2 Weather Short-term conditions.

3 Climate Long-term conditions (hot/cold, wet/dry)

4 Latitude Distance from the equator, north or south, measured in degrees

5 Climograph The display of weather data over a long period of time

6 Altitude/Elevation Distance above sea level

7 Convection Current Hot, less dense air rising, cold, more dense air sinking

8 Water Vapor The gas form of water.

9 Troposphere The first layer of atmosphere where weather occurs.

10 Thermometer measures air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.

11 Barometer measures air pressure.

12 Anemometer measures wind speed

13 Psychrometer measures humidity.

14 Station Model Shows weather data at a certain place on the Earth’s surface

15 Air Pressure The pressure exerted by air in a vertical column.

16 Sea Breeze Wind blowing from the sea during the day time

17 Land Breeze Wind blowing from land during night time.

18 Dew Point Temperature at which water vapor condenses.

19 Relative Humidity Amount of water vapor in the air, compared to how much it could hold.

20 Saturation 100% relative humidity

21 High Pressure System Cold and dry weather conditions

22 Low Pressure System Hot and wet weather conditions

23 Air Mass 1000 square mile mass of air with the same characteristics

24 Fronts/Frontal Boundary Place where 2 air masses meet

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