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Geoengineering: State Specific laws & the impact to human health, the Eco-system and economics by: Alexandra May Hunter An overview and analysis of currently.

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Presentation on theme: "Geoengineering: State Specific laws & the impact to human health, the Eco-system and economics by: Alexandra May Hunter An overview and analysis of currently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoengineering: State Specific laws & the impact to human health, the Eco-system and economics by: Alexandra May Hunter An overview and analysis of currently in effect state statutes on air pollution and how any proposed geoengineering and/or climate intervention plans or programs would impact current laws, human health, the Eco-system and state economies

2 The Constitution & Amendments IX and X state Preamble: Public health can never be legally and constitutionally detached from or given a life independent of the Preamble, the Constitution and Law because this is the ultimate source of their authority in the first place. “The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The powers not delegated by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved by the States respectively, or to the People.” These Amendments underline that the People of the United States are acknowledged to have specific “certain” “unalienable” “reserved” and “retained” rights, and that these rights are divinely conferred, and naturally inherent, and therefore cannot be restricted, limited or infringed upon by any government, in any way, but must respected, protected and enforced by all governments and that government exists for the chief purpose of defending and enforcing these rights. The most basic essential and obvious right is the right of the American people to choose what happens to their own bodies

3 Aerosol Pollution “Solar geoengineering is the idea that you could, in principle, reduce the rate of climate change or reverse it, by making the earth more reflective, reflecting away more sunlight. For example, by putting reflective particles, aerosol pollution if you like in the upper atmosphere… An over- riding fact, of course, of any of these technologies is that no technology alone will enable environmental protection or social protection…” By: David Keith, Geoengineer from his speech at the May 21-22, 2012 National Academy of Sciences meeting in Washington, DC.

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